Scientific program of the Conference on Mathematical Logic and Its Applications

Gyulechitsa, December 14-16, 2002

Saturday, December 14

        Morning session

                Chairman: P. Petkov
 9.30-10.00  D. Skordev.  Some short historical notes on Mathematical Logic in Sofia.
10.00-11.00  J. R. Moschovakis.  Hierarchies in Intuitionistic Arithmetic.

                Chairman: D. Vakarelov
11.30-12.30  Y. N. Moschovakis.  Arithmetical complexity.
12.30-13.30  V. A. Uspensky.  Toward the notion of information space.

        Afternoon session

                Chairman: D. Skordev
15.00-15.20  D. Vakarelov, G. Dimov.  A Stone-like characterization of locally compact Hausdorff spaces.
15.20-15.40  V. Dimitrov, T. Tinchev.  The graded modality `There are infinitely many'.
15.40-16.00  V. Sotirov.  The number of the generalized Aristotelian syllogisms is 81.

                Chairman: J. R. Moschovakis
16.20-16.40  I. Pchelarov.  Points of ∀-definedness of non-deterministic programs.
16.40-17.00  T. Tinchev, S. Mihov, S. Koeva, A. Genov.  WordNet Logic.
17.00-17.20  K. U. Schulz, S. Mihov.  An Efficient Method for Approximate Dictionary Lookup.

                Chairman: Y. N. Moschovakis
17.30-17.50  J. Zashev.  DM-categories revisited.
17.50-18.10  S. Atanassov.  On the explicit form of a recursively defined function.
18.10-18.30  D. Dobrev.  Stabilization in the periodical loops in Prolog.

Sunday, December 15

                Moderator: Y. N. Moschovakis
17.00-18.30  Logic and Computer Science  (discussion).

Monday, December 16

                Chairman: V. A. Uspensky
10.00-10.20  I. Soskov.  Degree spectra and co-spectra of structures.
10.20-10.40  A. Soskova.  Cospectra of joint spectra of structures.

                Chairman: V. Sotirov
11.00-11.20  A. Zinoviev.  The Interval Temporal Logic as a language for the description of regular relations.
11.30-11.50  D. Skordev.  A complexity notion for Boolean functions.