Проектът за разработване на Паневропейска магистърска програма за високопроизводителни изчисления EUMaster4HPC започва!
8 университета, +20 подпомагащи и асоциирани партньори стартират пилотен проект за разработване на съвременна HPC-центрирана образователна програма, която обединява ключови участници и институции в частния и публичния сектор. https://www.eumaster4hpc.tf.fau.eu/
- University of Luxembourg
- Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
- Politecnico di Milano
- FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
- Sorbonne University
- Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski
- USI Università della Svizzera italiana
- KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Финансирана от EuroHPC Joint Undertaking
Кандидатстване: https://eumaster4hpc.eu/application/
EUMaster4HPC Celebrates Milestone: Graduation of First Cohort of HPC Experts
The EUMaster4HPC consortium is proud to announce the graduation of its inaugural cohort of students, who will receive their Certificates of Achievement during a symbolic ceremony at Università della Svizzera italiana (USI) on 11 October 2024. This event marks a significant milestone in Europe's journey toward educating a new generation of high-performance computing (HPC) experts.
Funded by the EuroHPC Joint Undertaking with a budget of €7 million, EUMaster4HPC is the first pan-European Master’s programme dedicated to High-Performance Computing. This initiative unites leading European universities, research and supercomputing centres, SMEs and industrial partners with the goal of creating a unified curriculum that addresses the rapidly evolving needs of the HPC environment.
Launched in January 2022, the 4-year project has brought together 8 awarding universities and over 60 partners from academia and industry across 23 EuroHPC participant countries. Together, they are working to define the body of knowledge in HPC and establish a sustainable framework for the programme.
Though this ceremony will celebrate the achievements of EUMaster4HPC's talented pioneering students and their contributions to HPC, it also highlights the project’s success in delivering a top-tier educational programme that benefits both industry and academia, while fostering European collaboration in this critical field of high-performance computing.
As Europe strives to maintain its competitive edge in digital innovation, the availability of highly skilled HPC professionals is crucial. EUMaster4HPC not only addresses this need but also strengthens the European HPC community by promoting collaboration between academia and industry. The programme’s strong ties with industry ensure that students gain practical experience through real-world case studies, further enhancing their readiness to contribute to Europe’s digital future.
Представянето на проекта EUMaster4HPC (formerly HERCULES) в рамките на HPC Summit Week 2022
The project EUMaster4HPC will be presented at the EuroHPC Summit Week 2022 (22 March 2022 - 24 March 2022, Paris France)
Представяне на проекта
- Virtual Kick-off Meeting Presentation, 10 февруари 2022 г.
Списък на участниците в EUMaster4HPC консорциума
• Университети, присъждащи магистърски дипломи | |||||||||
| Име | Кратко име |
| Държава |
| ||||
| Université du Luxembourg | Uni.lu |
| Люксембург |
| ||||
| Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya | UPC |
| Испания |
| |||
| Politecnico di Milano | Polimi |
| Италия |
| |||
Friedrich-Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg | FAU | Германия | |||||||
| Sorbonne Université | SU |
| Франция |
| ||||
| Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski | UniSofia |
| България |
| ||||
| Università della Svizzera Italiana | USI |
| Швейцария |
| ||||
| Kungliga Tekniska Hoegskolan | KTH |
| Швеция |
| ||||
• Допринасящи партньори |
| |||
| Име |
| Кратко име | Държава |
| ||||
| European Technology Platform for High Performance Computing |
| ETP4HPC | Виртуален офис (регистриран в Нидерландия) |
| ||||
Cineca Consorzio Interuniversitario | CINECA | Италия | |||||||
| Technische Universitaet Wien |
| TUW | Австрия |
| ||||
| VSB - Technical University of Ostrava |
| VSB-TUO/IT4I | Чехия |
| ||||
| AGH Krakow University of Science and Technology | AGH-UST | Полша |
| |||||
| Univerza V Ljubljani |
| UL | Словения |
| ||||
| Pannon Egyetem |
| Pannon | Унгария |
| ||||
| National Technical University of Athens |
| NTUA | Гърция |
| ||||
| Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale per L'informatica | CINI | Италия |
| |||||
Barcelona Supercomputing Centre-Centro Nacional De Supercomputacion | BSC - CNS | Испания | |||||||
| Universidade de Coimbra |
| UC | Португалия |
| ||||
| Université de Reims Champagne-Ardennne |
| URCA | Франция |
| ||||
| Middle East Technical University |
| METU | Турция |
| ||||
| Universita Degli Studi di Modena e Reggio Emilia | UniMore | Италия |
• Партньори, които не са бенефициенти
| Име |
| Държава |
| Universidad de la Coruña |
| Испания |
| Technische Universität Darmstadt |
| Германия |
University of Stuttgart, Stuttgart Center for Simulation Science (SC SimTech) | Германия | ||
| Helmut Schmidt Universität/ Universität der Bundeswehr Hamburg |
| Германия |
| Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique |
| Франция |
| Université Orléans |
| Франция |
| Université Grenoble Alpes |
| Франция |
| Institut national polytechnique de Toulouse |
| Франция |
| Discoverer |
| Swiss National Supercomputing Centre |
| Швейцария |
| Universität Wien |
| Австрия |
| Universität Innsbruck |
| Австрия |
| Chalmers University of Technology |
| Швеция |
| Scuola Internazionale Superiore di Studi Avanzati |
| Италия |
| Politechnika Gdańska - Gdansk University of Technology |
| Полша |
| National Centre for Nuclear Research |
Wroclaw University of Science and Technology – Wroclaw Centre for Networking and Supercomputing | Полша | ||
| Institute of information science |
| Univerza v Mariboru |
| Словения |
| Univerza v Novi Gorici |
| Словения |
| National Infrastructures for Research and Technology |
| Гърция |
| University of Pisa |
| Италия |
| University of Torino |
| Италия |
| University of Bologna |
| Италия |
| University of Pavia |
| Centro de Supercomputación de Galicia |
| Испания |
| Universidade de Lisboa |
| Португалия |
| Universidade do Minho |
| Португалия |
| Universidade de Evora |
| Португалия |
| Pôle européen de compétence en simulation et calcul haute performance |
| The Scientific and Technological Research Council of Turkey |
| Турция |
| CSC- IT Center for Science Ltd |
| Финландия |
| LuxProvide S.A. |
| Люксембург |
| Nationales Hochleistungsrechnen (NHR) |
| Германия |
| University of Luxembourg Competence Center |
| Люксембург |
| Leonardo |
| Италия |
| E4 |
| Великобритания |
- Подпомагащи партньори
Име | Държава |
ETH | Швейцария |
GENCI | Франция |
I4 | Нидерландия |
Inria | Франция |
Leonardo | Италия |
Picardie | Франция |
PRACE | Белгия |
Tours | Франция |