2012: доктор на математическите науки, Факултет по математика и информатика, СУ "Св. Кл.Охридски"
1995: доктор, Институт по математика и информатика – БАН
Научни интереси
Stochastic processes
Risk Theory
Distribution Theory
Преподавателска дейност
Стохастичен анализ и приложения (магистри)
Вероятностни модели (магистри и бакалаври)
Математическа теория на риска (магистри и бакалаври)
Финансова математика (магистри)
Вероятности и статистика (бакалаври)
Списък с публикации
Doctor of Science Thesis Title: Distributions in Insurance Risk Models
Ph. D. Thesis Title: Characterization of the Gaussian processes equivalent to a Gaussian martingale and their application.
Master's Degree Thesis Title: Some estimates obtained by using order statistics and their distributions.
Chukova S., Minkova L. and Sparalloi S.(2022). Hypogeometric distribution and related discrete time point process, Journal of the Turkish Statistical Association, 14(1), 1-10.
Lazarova M. and Minkova L. (2022). A risk model with bivariate Polya-Aeppli counting process, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2505(1), 100003, DOI: 10.1063/5.0100711.
Minkova L. (2022). A bivariate correlated destructive model, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2505(1), 100002, DOI: 10.1063/5.0100862.
Kostadinova K. and Minkova L. (2022). The Polya-Aeppli risk model with stochastic premium process and ruin probability, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2522(1), 050009, DOI: 10.1063/5.0100776.
Chukova S., Lazarova M. and Minkova L. (2021). Polya-Aeppli process of order K of the second type with application, Journal of the Turkish Statistical Association, 13(3), 98-107, ISSN 1300-4077|21|3|98|107.
Sendova K. and Minkova L.D. (2020). Introducing the non-homogeneous compound birth process, Stochastics, An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, 92, 814-832, DOI: 10.1080/17442508.2019.1666132.
Chukova S. and Minkova L.D. (2020). Geometric Polya-Aeppli process, Stochastics. An International Journal of Probability and Stochastic Processes, 92, 1261-1275, DOI: 10.1080/17442508.2019.1697269.
Paralloi S. and Minkova L. (2019). Compound I-Binomial process and Application, AIP Conference Proceedings, 2172, 100005, DOI: 10.1063/1.5133598.
Chukova S. and Minkova L.D. (2019). Non-homogeneous Polya-Aeppli process, Commun. Statist.-Simulation and Computation, 48, 2955--2967.
Lazarova K. and Minkova L. (2019). Non-central Polya-Aeppli process and ruin probability, Ann.Acad.Rom.Sci., Ser Math. Appl., 11, 312-321, ISSN: 2066-5997.
Sendova K. and Minkova L.D. (2018). Poisson-Logarithmic risk process and applications, Compt. RandueBulg. Acad. Sci., 71(8), 1020--1028.
Lazarova M. and Minkova L. (2017). I-Delaporte process and applications, Mathematics and Computers in Simulation, 133, 135-141, (IF 1.124).
Kostadinova K. and Minkova L. (2016). Type II family of Bivariate Inflated-parameter Generalized Power Series Distributions, Serdica Math. J., 42, 27-42.
Lazarova M. and Minkova L.D. (2015). A Family of Bivariate Inflated-parameter Generalized Power Series Distributions, Compt. Randue Bulg. Acad. Sci., 68(5), 577-588, (IF (2014) 0.284).
Chukova S. and Minkova L.D. (2015). Polya - Aeppli of order k Risk Model, Communications in Statistics-Simulation and Computation, 44(3), 551-564 (IF (2011) 0,387).
Omey E. and Minkova L.D. (2014). Bivariate Geometric Distributions, Compt. Randue Bulg. Acad. Sci., 67(9), 1201-1210, (IF (2014) 0.284).
Minkova L.D. and N.Balakrishnan (2014) Type II Bivariate Polya-Aeppli distribution, Statistics & Probability Letters, 88, 40-49, (IF(2012) 0.531).
Minkova L.D. and N.Balakrishnan (2014). On a bivariate Polya-Aeppli distribution, Commun. Statist. -Theory and Methods, 43, 5026-5038, (IF (2012) 0,298).
Minkova L.D. and Omey E. (2014). A new Markov Binomial distribution, Commun. Statist. -Theory and Methods, 43, 2674-2688, (IF (2012) 0,298).
Kostadinova K. and Minkova L. (2014). On a Bivariate Poisson Negative Binomial Risk Process, BIOMATH, 3, 47--52.
Kostadinova K. and Minkova L.D. (2013). On the Poisson process of order k, Pliska Stud.Math.Bulgar., 22, 117--128.
Chukova S. and Minkova L.D. (2013). Characterization of the Polya - Aeppli process, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 31(4), 590-599, (IF (2012) 0,459).
Minkova L. and Radkov P. (2012). Distributions related to a Markov chain and Applications in Finance, Proceedings of the 11th Iranian Statistical Conference, August 28-30, Tehran Iran, 337 - 345 (invited).
Minkova L.D. (2011). The I - Polya process and Applications, Commun.Statist. -Theory and Methods, 40, 2847 – 2855 (IF (2010) 0.351).
Radkov P. and L.D.Minkova (2011). Markovian Option Pricing Model, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference "Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis", June 07 10, 2011, Roma, Italy, 1137 – 1143.
Radkov P. and L.D.Minkova (2010). Markov-Binomial Option Pricing Model, Proceedings of the 9th International Conference in Computing Data Analysis and Modeling:Compex Stochastic Data and Systems, Belarusian State University, September 07-11, Minsk, Belarus, vol. 2, 169-172.
Minkova L.D.(2010). Compound Birth processes in Risk Models, Proceedings of the 6th Conference in Actuarial Science & Finance on Samos, June 2-6, 2010, available in: www.actuar.aegean.gr/samos2010/proceedings.html
Minkova L.D.(2010). Compound Binomial Risk Model, Proceedings of the Stochastic Modeling Techniques and Data Analysis International Conference, June 8-11, 2010, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Minkova L.D. (2010). Stochastic Processes - Applications in Finance and Insurance, in:International Encyclopedia of Statistical Science, Miodrag Lovric (Ed.), ISBN:978-3-642-04897-5.
Minkova L.D. (2010). The Polya – Aeppli distribution of order K, Commun.Statist. -Theory and Methods, 39(3), 408-415 (IF 0,351).
Minkova L.D. (2009). I - Polya Process and Applications, Proceedings of the XIIIth International Conference "Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis", June 30 - July 3, 2009, Vilnius, Lithuania.
Minkova L.D. (2009). Stochastic Processes in Finance and Insurance, Math. and Educ. in Math. 61-69 (invited).
Minkova L.D. (2008). Reinsurance by the Polya-Aeppli risk model, Proceedings of the 2008 International Workshop on Applied Probability, July 7-10, 2008, Universite de Technologie de Compiegne, France.
Minkova L.D. and Etemadi R. (2008). Compound Poisson Counting Distributions, Math. and Educ. in Math. 226 – 231.
Minkova L.D. (2007). The Polya - Aeppli distribution of order k, Proceedings of the XIIth International Conference "Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis", May 29, 30, 31 and June 1, Chania, Crete, Greece.
Minkova L.D. (2004). A modified model of risk business, Pliska Stud. Math. Bulgar., 16} 129- 135.
Minkova L.D. (2004). The Polya - Aeppli process and ruin problems, J. Appl. Math. Stoch. Analysis, 3, 221 - 234.
Minkova L.D. (2002). A generalization of the classical discrete distributions, Commun. Statist. - Theory and Methods, 31, 871 - 888, (IF 0.171).
Minkova L.D. (2001). Inflated-parameter modification of the pure birth process, Compt. Randue Bulg. Acad. Sci., 54(11), 17 - 22.21.
Minkova L.D. (2001). A family of compound discrete distributions, Compt. Randue Bulg. Acad. Sci., 54(2), 9 - 12.
Minkova L.D. (2001). The bond market with stochastic volatility in high level of inflation, Math. and Educ. in Math., 270 - 275.
Kolev N., Minkova L.D. and Neytchev P. (2000). Inflated-Parameter Family of Generalized Power Series Distributions and Their Application in Analysis of Overdispersed Insurance Data, ARCH Research Clearing House, 2, 295 - 320.
Kolev N. and Minkova L. (2000). A characterization of the negative binomial distribution, Pliska Stud. Math. Bulgar., 13, 151 - 154.
Minkova L.D.(2000). Modelling of financial markets in high level of inflation, Math. and Educ. in Math., 198 - 204.
Kolev N. and Minkova L. (1999). Run and frequency quotas in a multi-state Markov chain, Commun. Statist. - Theory and Methods, 28, 2223 - 2233, (IF 0.209).
Kolev N. and Minkova L. (1999). Quotas on runs of successes and failures in a multi - state Markov chain, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 28, 2235 - 2248, (IF 0.209).
Minkova L. and Danchev D. (1998). Modelling of financial markets in the currency board conditions, Applications of Mathematics in Engineering, (Sozopol, 1997), 130 - 132, Heron Press, Sofia.
Kolev N. and Minkova L. (1997). Discrete distributions related to success runs of length K in a multi - state Markov chain, Communications in Statistics - Theory and Methods, 26, 1031 - 1049, (IF 0.194).
Minkova L. (1997). A stochastic model for the financial market with discontinuous prices, J. Appl. Math. Stoch. Analysis, 9, 271-280.
Kolev N. and Minkova L. (1995). On joint distribution of successes and failures related to success runs of length K in homogeneous Markov chain, Compt. Randue Bulg. Acad. Sci., 48, Vol. 9, 19 – 22.
Minkova L. D. (1994). Innovation of Gaussian semimartingale, Technical University Annuals - Applied Mathematics, Sofia, 181 – 193.
Minkova L. (1993). A stochastic model for the financial market, In: Proc. Applications of Mathematics in Engineering, 153 - 158, Varna.
Kolev N. and Minkova L. (1986). Poisson distribution of order K and some of its properties, Compt. Randue Bulg. Acad. Sci., 39, 31 - 33, (IF 0.149).
Minkova L. (1985). Stochastic equation for a generalized Ornstein-Uhlenbeck process. In: Proc. Third International Conference of Differential Equations and their Applications, Russe, 825 - 828.
Minkova L. and Hadziev D. (1984). Equivalence and singularity of some Gaussian measures, Pliska Math. Bulgar, 7, 163 - 169, (In Russian).
Minkova L. and Hadziev D. (1980). Representation of Gaussian processes equivalent to a Gaussian martingale, Stochastics, 3, 251 - 266.
Minkova L. and Hadziev D. (1979). Theorem of Girsanov's type for Gaussian martingales, Compt. Randue Bulg. Acad. Sci., 32, 1465 - 1466.
Minkova L. (1978). Asymptotic estimates for a parameter of spread, Plovdiv Univ. Nauchn. Trud., 16, 157 - 164.
Minkova L. and Varbanova M. (1976). Parametrische schatzungen mit hilfe der Positionsstrichprobenelementen, Math. and Educ. in Math., 207 - 214.
Discussion Contributions:
Minkova L.D. (1997). Discussion to G. Parker, "Stochastic analysis of interaction between Investment and Insurance risks", North American Actuarial Journal 1, 55-84; 75.
Minkova L.D. and Kolev N. (1998). Discussion to E. W. Frees, "Relative importance of risk sources in insurance systems", North American Actuarial Journal 2, 34-52, 50-51.