ДДВУ 02/30 „Съвременни методи втеория на апроксимациите” (договор с НФНИ на МОМН).
Договор Д0О2-167 „Център за върхови постижения итехнологични иновации” с НФНИ на МОН.
Договор 154/2011 с Фонд за научни изследвания при ”СУ Св. Кл. Охридски”.
Списък с публикации
B. Bojanov and N. Naidenov, An extension of the Landau-Kolmogorov inequality. Solution of a problem of Erdős, J. Analyze Math. Vol 78 (1999), 263-280.
B.D.Bojanov and N.G. Naidenov, Examples of Landau Kolmogorov inequality in integral norms on a finite interval, J. Approx. Theory, 117 (2002), 55-73.
B. Bojanov and N. Naidenov, Exact Markov type inequalities for oscillating perfect splines, Constr. Approx., 18 (2002), 37-59.
B. Bojanov and N. Naidenov, Alternation property and Markov’s inequality for Tchebycheff systems, East J. on Approx., 10, 4 (2004), 481-503.
B. Bojanov and N. Naidenov, Majorization of polynomials on the plane, East J. on Approx., 12, (2006), 189-202.
B.D.Bojanov and N.G. Naidenov, On oscillating polynomials, J. Approx. Theory,162 (2010), 1766–1787.
L. Milev and N. Naidenov, Markov’s inequalities in integral norm for oscillating weighted polynomials, in ”Approximation Theory: A volume dedicated to Borislav Bojanov”, (D. K. Dimitrov, G. Nikolov, and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 176-185, Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2004.
L. Milev and N. Naidenov, Exact Markov inequalities for the Hermite and Laguerre weights, J. Approx. Theory, 138, (2006), 87-96.
L. Milev and N. Naidenov, An extension of the Markov inequality for the Laguerre weight, East J. on Approx., 11, (2005), 109-118.
L. Milev and N. Naidenov, An extension of the Markov inequality for the Hermite weight, East J. on Approx., 13, (2007), 77-109.
L. Milev and N. Naidenov, Monotonicity of the zeros and the extremal points of certain Oscillating polynomials, Comptes rendus de l'Academie bulgare des Sciences, 60, 2 (2007), 111-116.
L. Milev and N. Naidenov, Strictly definite extreme points of the unit ball in a polynomial space, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 61, 11 (2008), 1393-1400.
Lozko Milev and Nikola Naidenov, Indefinite extreme points of the unit ball in a polynomial space, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 77 (2011), 409–424.
L. Milev and N. Naidenov, Markov interlacing property for exponential polynomials, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 367 (2010), 669–676.
Lozko Milev and Nikola Naidenov, Markov Type Inequalities for Oscillating Exponential Polynomials, in “CONSTRUCTIVE THEORY OF FUNCTIONS”, Sozopol 2010: In memory of Borislav Bojanov, (G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 201-212, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2012.
Lozko Milev and Nikola Naidenov, Interlacing Properties of Certain Tchebycheff Systems, in “CONSTRUCTIVE THEORY OF FUNCTIONS”, Sozopol 2010: In memory of Borislav Bojanov, (G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 201-212, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2012.
N. Naidenov and S. Kostadinova, Approximation of irregular data in R^3 by bicubic splines with uniform knots, in “INFORMATICS IN THE SCIENTIFIC KNOWLEDGE 2010 “, pp 86-98, VFU “Chernorizets Hrabar”, Varna, Bulgaria.
N. Naidenov, Algorithm for the construction of the smoothest interpolant, East J. Approx., 1, 1 (1995), 83-97.
N. Naidenov, Landau-type extremal problem for the triple ||f||∞, ||f'||p, ||f''||∞ on a finite interval, J. Approx. Theory. 123 (2003), 147-161.
N. Naidenov, On an extremal problem of Kolmogorov type for functions from W4∞ ([a, b]), East J. on Approx., 9, 1 (2003), 117-135.
N. Naidenov, Estimates for the derivatives of oscillating polynomials, East J. on Approx., 11, 3 (2005), 301-336.
N. Naidenov, On the Markov inequality for Tchebycheff systems, proc. Conf. "Constructive Theory of Functions", Varna 2005, Marin Drinov Acad. Publ. House, (Sofia, 2006), 194-200.
N. Naidenov, Note on Bernstein type inequalities for multivariate polynomials, Anal. Math., 33 (2007), 55-62.
N. G. Naidenov, On the calculation of the Bernstein-Szegő factor for multivariate polynomials, proc. Conf. "NMA 2006, Lecture Notes in Computer Sciences 4310", Springer-Verlag (Berlin Heidelberg, 2007), 410-418.
N. Naidenov, Asymptotics for the derivatives of oscillating polynomials, East J. Approx, 16 (2010), 167-178.