Научен семинар "On invariant polynomials in free associative algebras over a field of arbitrary characteristic", 23.05.2024

На 23 май 2024 г., четвъртък, от 15:30  часа в Заседателната зала на ФМИ ще се проведе научен семинар на тема "On invariant polynomials in free associative algebras over a field of arbitrary characteristic" с лектор доц. Силвия Бумова.

Анотация на доклада 

Let K<X d > be the free associative algebra of rank d ≥ 2 over a field K. In 1936 Wolf proved that the algebra of symmetric polynomials K<X d >Sym(d)   is infinitely generated. Koryukin (1984) equipped the homogeneous component of degree n of K<X > with the additional action of Sym(n) by permuting the positions of the variables. He proved finite generation with respect to this additional action for the algebra of invariants K<X > of every reductive group G. We established that over a field of characteristic 0 or of characteristic p > d the algebra  K<X d >Sym(d)  with the action of Koryukin is generated by (noncommutative version of) the elementary symmetric polynomials. We proved that if the field K is of positive characteristic at most d then the algebra  K<X d >Sym(d)  taking into account the Koryukin’s action is infinitely generated and describe a minimal generating set. The problem we are solving is: whether the algebra of invariants K<X >G  where G = An or Dn is finitely generated, with the Koryukin action and considering different field’s characteristic.
This is a joint work with: Vesselin Drensky, Deyan Dzhundrekov and Martin Kassabov

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Това е втора сбирка на научния семинар към проект "Ефективни изчисления и алгоритми. Приложение при решаване на теоретични и практически проблеми от различни научни области".

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