Александра Андреева Соскова

Александра Андреева Соскова

Изследовател (R4)
Доктор на науките
+359 2 8161 524
Приемно време: 
понеделник  16-17, к. 244 ФзФ
петък    12-13 к. 244  ФзФ

Образование и научни степени

  • 1974 - 1979: Магистър по математическа логика, Факултет по математика и информатика,  СУ "Св. Климент Охридски"
  • 1986 - 1989: Доктор, Факултет по математика и информатика,  СУ "Св. Климент Охридски"

Научни интереси

  • Теория на рекурсията
  • Номерационни степени
  • Спектри от структури
  • Изчислимост в абстрактни структури
  • Теоретична информатика

Научни проекти

  • Договор 92/2006 с ФНИ към СУ на тема "Равномерна Сводимост"
  • Договор 95/2007 с ФНИ към СУ на тема "Равномерна Сводимост"
  • Д002-258/18.12.08 с НФНИ "Изчислимост с частична информация"

Преподавателска дейност

Летен семестър 2007 - 2008

  • Логическо програмиране, спец. информатика, задължителен,  задочно, хорариум 30
  • Семантика на езиците за програмиране, спец. информатика, задължителен, хорариум 2+2
  • Езици, автомати и изчислимост, спец. компютърни науки, задължителен, хорариум 3+2
  • Теория на рекурсията, маг. програма "Логика и алгоритми", 3+2
  • Теория на моделите, маг. програма "Логика и алгоритми" 3+2

Списък с публикации

  1. Computability on many-sorted partial structures, Compt. rend. de l'Acad. bulg.Sci. 43 (1990), 9-11.
  2. Effective abstract structures, Compt. rend.de l'Acad. bulg. Sci. 43 (1990), 5-8.
  3. An external aproach to Abstract Data Types I:Computability on ADT, Ann. Univ. Sofia 87 (1993) , 47 - 59.
  4. Effective structures, Mathematical LogicQuarterly 43 (1997), 235-250.
  5. Cospectra of joint spectra of a sequence ofstructures, 4th Panhellenic Logic Symposium (Thessaloniki, Greece),2003, 175-179.
  6. with I. N.Soskov, Effective enumerations ofabstract structures, Heyting'88 (New York) (P. Petkov, ed.), Plenum Press, 1990,pp.361--372.
  7. with I. N. Soskov, Admissibility in\Sigma^0_n enumerations, Ann. Univ. Sofia , 90, 1999, 77 - 90.
  8. with St. K. Nikolova, Programming theory inproblems, SofTeX, Sofia 1997.
  9. with I. N. Soskov, Cospectra of joint spectraof structures, Ann. Sofia Univ, Fac. Math and Inf., 96, 2003, 35-44.
  10. Minimal Pairs andQuasi-minimal degrees for the Joint Spectra of Structures. New Computational Pradigms(S. B. Cooper; B. Loewe, eds.) Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci , 3526, 2005,  Springer-Verlag, 451--460.
  11. Properties of the Joint Spectra ofsequence of structures, PLS5, Athens,2005
  12. Minimal Pairs and Quasi-Minimal degrees forJoint Spectra, LC2005, Athens.
  13. Kliment lecture ,2005 ,Computability andDegree Spectra of Structures.
  14. Properties ofCo-spectra of joint spectra of structures. Ann. Sofia Univ., Fac. Math. and Inf. , 97,  2005, 15--32.
  15. RelativizedDeggree Spectra. Logical Approaches to Computational barriers (A. Beckmann; U.Berger;  B. Loewe; J. Tucker eds.),CiE2006, Swansea,Lecture Notes in Comp. Sci ,  3988, 2006,Springer-Verlag, 546--555.
  16. Degree Spectra ofStructures. Leeds Logic Seminar, July, 2006.
  17. RelativizedDeggree Spectra,  LC2006, July,  Nijemegen.
  18. Relativized Degree Spectra, Journal of Logic and Computation, 17, 2007, Oxford Journals, 1215-1233
  19. A Jump Inversion Theorem for the Degree Spectra, CiE 2007, S.B. Cooper, B. L¨owe, and A. Sorbi (Eds.), LNCS 4497, 2007, Springer-Verlag, 716–726
  20. with I. N. Soskov, Jump spectra of abstract structures, PLS6, Volos,2007
  21. Omega-Degree Spectra, Logic and Theory of Algorithms, CiE 2008, Athens, A Beckmann, C Dimitracopoulos, B Löwe  (Eds.),  LNCS,  5028, 2008, Springer-Verlag
  22. with St. K.  Nikolova,  Semantics of the programming languages, Softex, 2008
  23. with I. N. Soskov, Some applications of the Jump Inversion theorem, Proceedings of the 7th Panhellenic Logic Symposium,   C. Drossos, P. Peppas, C. Tsinakis, (Eds.) 2009, 157-161
  24. with I. N. Soskov, A jump inversion theorem for the degree spectra, Journal of Logic and Computation, vol. 9 , 2009, 199-215
  25. with I.N. Soskov, Effective reducibilities and Degree spectra of Abstract structures, Proceedins of First International İstanbul Graduate Summer School in Logic  Modal logic and Its Applications, 2011, ILLC publications accepted
  26. with I. N. Soskov, Enumeration Degree Spectra of Abstract  Structures, ТProceedings of the Conference "120 years FMI, SU", R. Levy (Eds), 2012
  27. with I. N. Soskov, Quasi-minimal degrees for degree spectra, Journal of Logic and Computation, 2013, 23 (6) doi: 10.1093/logcom/ext045, 1319-1334
  28. with  S. Vatev and A. Terziivanov, Generalization of the notion of jump sequence of sets for sequences of structures, Proceedings of PLS10, 2015, Eds. C. Dimitracopolous and T. Phiedas, University of Aegean Press, (2015) 25-29. 
  29. with M. I. Soskova, Enumeration Reducibility and Computable Structure Theory,  Computability and Complexity, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 10010 (2016) 271-301. 
  30. with L. Ivanov and I. Georgiev,To Dimiter Skordev from his studentsProceedings of the 46th Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, Borovetz, Bulgaria, (2017) 52-62.
  31. with R. Elwes, A. Lewis-Pye, B. Loewe, D. Macpherson, D. Normann, M. I. Soskova, P. van Emde Boas, S. Wainer, S. Barry Cooper (1943-2015),  Computability, 7 (2-3) (2018) 103-131.
  32. with W. Calvert, A. Frolov, V. Harizanov, J. Knight C. McCoy, S. Vatev, Strong Jump Inversion, Journal of Logic and Computation, 28 (7) (2018) 1499-1522. 
  33.  with  U. Andrews, H. Ganchev, R. Kuyper, S. Lempp, J. S. Miller,  M. Soskova, On cototality and the skip operator in the enumeration degrees, The Transactions of American Mathematical Society, 372 (3) (2019) 1631-1670.
  34. with R. Dimitrov, V. Harizanov, A. Morozov, P. Shafer, S. Vatev, Cohesive Powers of Linear Orders,  Computing with Foresight and Industry, CiE 2019, EDS. Florin Manea, Barnaby Martin, Daniel Paulusma, Giuseppe Primiero, Lecture Notes in Computer Science 11558 (2019) 168-180. 
  35. with  J. Knight,  S. Vatev, Coding in graphs and linear ordering, The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 85(2),(2020) 673-690. doi:10.1017/jsl.2019.91
  36. with R. Alvir, W.Calvert, G.Goodman, V. Harizanov, J. Knight, R. Miller, A. Morozov, R. Waisshaar, Interpreting a field in its Heisenberg groups,The Journal of Symbolic Logic , Volume 87 Issue 3 , 2022 , pp. 1215 - 1230, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1017/jsl.2021.107
  37. with R. Dimitrov, V. Harizanov, A. Morozov, P. Shafer, S. Vatev,  On Cohesive Powers of Linear Orders,The Journal of Symbolic Logic, 88(3), (2023) 947-1004. doi:10.1017/jsl.2023.14

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