Sunday, September 22
Arrival day
Monday, September 23
Plenary hall
Section: Variational Analysis and Applications
Chair: Mikhail Krastanov
Hall А
Section: Challenges of the Digital World Traditions and Innovative Solutions in Research and Education
Chair: Mariana Atanassova
Parallel sessions:
Hall А
Section: Variational Analysis and Applications
Chair: Vladimir Veliov
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Hall B
Section: Challenges of the Digital World Traditions and Innovative Solutions in Research and Education
Chair: Mariana Atanassova
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Tuesday, September 24
Parallel sessions
Hall A
Section: Algebra and coding theory
Dedicated to the memory of Kerope Tchakerian (1944 -- 2012)
Chair: Maya Stoyanova
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Chair: Ivan Landjev
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Section: Differential Equations and Applications
Chair: Virginia Kiriakova
Chair: Nedyu Popivanov
Hall B
Section: Information Science and e-Society (UNITe)
Chair: Evgeniy Krastev
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Section: Mechatronics and Robotics
Chair: Ivan Chavdarov
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Wednesday, September 25
Parallel sessions
Hall А
Section: Numerical Methods and Theory of Approximations
Dedicated to the memory of Borislav Bojanov (1944 -- 2009)
Chair: Geno Nikolov
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Chair: Rumen Uluchev
Section: Variational Analysis and Applications
Chair: Nadya Zlateva
Hall B
Section: Differential Equations and Applications
Chair: Tsvetan Hristov
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Section: Numerical Methods and Theory of Approximations
Dedicated to the memory of Borislav Bojanov (1944 -- 2009)
Chair: Alexei Shadrin
Section: Probabilities and Statistics
Chair: Pando Georgiev
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Hall C
Section: Challenges of the Digital World Traditions and Innovative Solutions in Research and Education
Thursday, September 26
Parallel sessions
Hall A
Section: Geometry and Topology
Chair: Peter Boyvalenkov
09:00 -- 09:50 Invited talk: 130+ Years of the Hadamard conjecture
10:00 -- 10:30 The Riemannian curvature identities on almost complex Calabi-Yau with torsion 6-manifold and generalized Ricci solitons
10:30 -- 11:00 Li-Yau Sub-gradient estimates and Perelman-type entropy formulas for the heat equation in quaternionic contact geometry
11:00 -- 11:30 Coffee break
Chair: Stefan Ivanov
11:30 -- 12:00 Geometry of paraquaternionic contact structures
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12:00 -- 12:30 Nonlocal analogues of the Lidstone polynomials
12:30 -- 13:00 The Riemannian Bianchi identities of metric connections with skew torsion and generalized Ricci solitons
13:00 -- 14:00 Lunch
Section: Mathematical Logic and its Applications
Dedicated to the memory of Dimiter Vakarelov (1938 -- 2023)
Chair: Tinko Tinchev
14:00 -- 14:30 How to make AI with a good character?
14:30 -- 15:00 Geometric constructions without ruler and compass
15:00 -- 15:30 Modal logic with bi-implication is exponentially more succinct on BT and S4 models
15:30 -- 16:00 New subrecursive degrees of representations of irrational numbers based on Weihrauch intersections and trace functions
16:00 -- 16:30 Coffee break
Chair: Ivan Georgiev
16:30 -- 17:00 Measurable contact algebras
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17:00 -- 17:30 Monadic second-order theories of postlinear orders and preorders
17:30 -- 18:20 Invited talk: Real numbers and their representations
Hall B
Section: Challenges of the Digital World - Traditions and Innovative Solutions in Research and Education
Chair: Nikolina Nikolova
09:00 -- 09:30 Game as a learning, learning as a game
09:30 -- 10:00 Need of problem solving courses
10:00 -- 10:30 Innovation and the Cultural-Historical context in Mathematics education
10:30 -- 11:00 Innovative practical pedagogical tools for CS and IT education
11:00 -- 11:30 Coffee break
11:30 -- 12:00 Cyber security concepts in the software development process
12:00 -- 12:30 Innovative solutions in mental and educational health: Development of a mobile application for tracking daily activities
12:30 -- 13:00 Corporate E-learning based on organizational development vision
13:00 -- 14:00 Lunch
Section: Variational Analysis and Applications
Chair: Marian Fabian
14:00 -- 14:30 Fedorchuk compacta and LUR renormability
14:30 -- 15:00 Metric embeddings of Laakso graphs into Banach spaces
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15:00 -- 15:30 Lipschitz continuity of the regular graphical derivative
15:30 -- 16:00 Continuity of the solutions of parametric optimization problems
20:00 Official dinner
Friday, September 27
Departure day