Bogdana Atanasova Georgieva
Web Page of Prof. Bogdana A. Georgieva
I am an associate professor of mathematics at the Department of Mechatronics, Robotics and Mechanics at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski" in Sofia, Bulgaria. I earned my Ph.D. degree in mathematics in 2001 at the Department of Mathematics of Oregon State University, Oregon, USA. Here is a concise information about my professional activities.
The courses I teach at the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics of Sofia University are:
Fall Semesters:
1. Problems in Analytic Mechanics
2. Calculus of Variations
Spring Semesters:
1. Mechanics of Continuous Media
2. Applications of Lie Groups in Differential Equations
- Oregon State University, Oregon, USA, 2001 Ph.D. in Mathematics
- University of Oregon, Oregon, USA, 1997 M.S. in Mathematics
- Lewis Clark College, Oregon, USA, 1994 B.S. in Mathematics
- Sofia Mathematical High School, Sofia, Bulgaria, Diploma 1988
Area of Specialization
Theoretical and Applied Mechanics of Continuous Media. Applications of Calculus of Variations in Analytic Mechanics.
Doctoral Dissertaion in Mathematics
Georgieva B., Noether-type theorems for the generalized variational principle of Herglotz, Doctoral Dissertation in Mathematics (2001),
published by ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, USА
Participation in Summer Research Programs
- Mathematical Sciences Research Institute, Berkeley, California, USA Summer Program on Minimal Surfaces, 2001
- Mathematical Sciences Research Institute , Berkeley, California, USA Summer Program in Lie Groups and the Method of the Moving Frame. Exterior Differential Systems, 1999
Professional Visit
Stanford University, Mathematics Department, Stanford, California, USA, Winter Semester 2003
Cora Kempter Meyer Award for Teaching Excellence in Mathematics, 2002, USA
- Published Textbook
Bogdana Georgieva, Foundations of Mathematical Analysis and Differential Equations, Dedrax Printing House, Sofia 2018, ISBN 978-619-91058-0-1 - Published Translation of a Book
Minor Clyde Hawk, Descriptive Geometry, Translation from English by Bogdana Georgieva, Dedrax Printing House, Sofia 2018, ISBN 978-619-188-180-2
Published Research Papers
- Georgieva, B., Bodurov, T., Identities from infinite-dimensional symmetries of Herglotz variational functional, Journal of Mathematical Physics 54 (2013), 062901, 1-16.
- Georgieva, B., Multiparameter contact transformations, Proceedings of Fourteenth International, Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, June 8-13, 2012, Varna, Bulgaria, 87-102.
- Georgieva, B., Symmetries of the generalized variational functional of Herglotz for several independent variables, Journal for Analysis and Its Applications 30 (3), (2011), 253-268.
(Journal рublished by the European Mathematical Scociety, DOI:10.4171/ZAA ) - Georgieva, B., The variational principle of Herglotz and related results, Proceedings of Twelfth International Conference on Geometry, Integrability and Quantization, June 4-9, 2010, Varna, Bulgaria, Vol.12 (2011), 214-225.
- Georgieva B., Symmetries of the Herglotz variational principle in the case of one independent variable, Annuaire de l'Universite de Sofia "St. Kl. Ohridski" 100 (2011), 113-122.
- Georgieva B., Guenther R., Second Noether-type theorem for the generalized variational principle of Herglotz, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis 26 (2005), 307-314.
- Georgieva, B., Guenther, R., Bodurov, Th., Generalized variational principle of Herglotz for several independent variables. First Noether-type theorem, Journal of Mathematical Physics Vol.44, no.9 (2003), 3911-3927.
- Georgieva B., Bodurov T., Nonlinear Schrodinger equation whose nonlinearity is a step function, International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications, Vol. 7 no.4, (2003) 443-452.
- Georgieva B., Guenther, R., First Noether-type theorem for the generalized variational principle of Herglotz, Topological Methods in Nonlinear Analysis, 20 (2002), 261-273.
- Georgieva B., Noether-type theorems for the generalized variational principle of Herglotz, Doctoral Dissertation in Mathematics (2001),
published by ProQuest LLC, Ann Arbor, MI 48108, United States - Bodurov Тh., Georgieva B., Complex Hamiltonian evolution equations, International Journal of Differential Equations and Applications, Vol. 1A, No.1 (2000) , 15-22.
Invited Lecture at the Tenth International Colloquium on Differential Equations, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 1999
Directing of a Research Project in the Mathematical Sciences
"The Symmetries of the Variational Principle of Herglotz", Sponsored by the Bulgarian Science Foundaton, Research Grant 288/09.
Research Talks at Conferences
- Jubilee Conference of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics on the occation of 120 years of the founding of Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski", 24 октомври, 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Conference of the Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski" March 28, 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria
- Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society January 5-8, 2005, Аtlanta, Georgea , USA
- Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society January 15-18, 2003, Baltimore, Меriland, USA
- Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society January 6-9, 2002, San Diego, California, USA
- Second International Conference on Teaching of Mathematics, Crete, Greece, July 2002
- Joint Mathematics Meetings of the American Mathematical Society January 10-13, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA
- Tenth International Colloquium on Differential Equations, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Аugust 1999
Participation in a Symposium
Symposium in Applied Mathematics, Society For Industrial And Applied Mathematics, SIAM, University of Seattle, Washington, USA, 2001
Some Citations of My Papers
- Zhang, Y. Variational problem of Herglotz type for Birkhoffian system and it's Noether's theorems, Acta Mechanica (2017) doi: 10.1007/s00707-016-1758-3
- cites 4 my articles - Santos. S., Martins, N., Torres, D., Noether currents for higher-order variational problems of Herglotz type with time delay, Discrete and Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series S, accepted March 31, 2017
- cites 3 my articles - Abrunheiro, L., Machado, L., Martins, N., The Herglotz variational problem on spheres and its optimal control approach, Journal of Mathematical Analysis (2016) Vol.7 issue 1, 12-22
- cites 5 my articles - Zhang, Yi, Generalized variational principle of Herglotz type for nonconservative system in phase space and Noether's theorem, Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Vol. 48, No.6, (2016) 1382-1389
- cites 3 my articles - Santos. S., Martins, N., Torres, D., Higher-order variational problems of Herglotz type with time delay, Pure And Applied Functional Anaysis, accepted March 12, 2016
- cites 3 my articles - Santos. S., Martins, N., Torres, D. Variational problems of Herglotz type with time delay: DuBois-Reymond condition and Noether's first theorem, Discrete And Continuous Dynamical Systems - Series A, (September 2015) issue 9, 4593-4610
- cites 5 my articles - Santos. S., Martins, N., Torres, D. Higher-order variational problems of Herglotz type, Vietnam Journal of Mathematics Vol. 42 no. 4 (2014) 409-419
- cites 4 my articles - Santos. S., Martins, N., Torres, D. An optimal control approach to Herglotz variational problems in Optimization In The Natural Sciences. EmC-ONS 2014. Communication In Computer and Information Science Vol.499, Springer
- cites 1 my article - Donchev, V., Variational symmetries, conserved quantities and identities for several equations of mathematical physics, Journal of Mathematical Physics 55, 032901 (2014)
- cites 6 my articles - C. Ventura, Numerical Investigation of a Class of Nonlinear Schrodinger Equations, American Journal of Undergraduate Research Vol.3, No.2 (2004), pp. 9--16
- cites 1 my article
cites 1 my article
Professional Membership
I have been a member of the American Mathematical Society since 1994.
- I enjoy hiking in the mountains.
- I am a member of the Union of the Bulgarian philatelists.
Address: Bogdana A. Georgieva
Department of Mechatronics, Robotics and Mechanics,
Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics,
Sofia University "Kliment Ohridski",
5 James Bourcher Blvd.
Sofia1164, Bulgaria