Статии в научни списания
1. | E. VELIKOVA, A.BOJILOV, On the weight distribution of the coset leaders of constacyclic codes, SERDICA Journal of computing, том:vol.2, брой:num 2, 2008, стр.105-110 | 2008 |
2. | E. VELIKOVA, T. BAICHEVA, On the computation of the weight distribution of the cosets of cyclic codes , Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St.Kliment Ohridski”, Faculte de mathematiques at informatique, Livre 1- Mathematiques, том:Tome 97, 2005, стр.109-114, Ref | 2005 |
3. | E. VELIKOVA, The weight distribution of the cosets leaders of ternary cyclic codes with generator polynomial of small degree , Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St.Kliment Ohridski” Faculte de mathematiques at informatique, Livre 1- Mathematiques, том:Tome 97, 2005, стр.115-121, Ref | 2005 |
4. | K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I.Mitov, E.Velikova-Bandova, Formal definition of the concept “INFOS”, IJ ”Information Theories and Applications” FOI ITHEA, том:vol 11, брой:No1, 2004, стр.16-19 | 2004 |
5. | K.Markov, K.Ivanova, I. Mitov, E.Velikova-Bandova, The Information, IJ ”Information Theories and Applications” FOI ITHEA, том:vol 10, брой:No1, 2003, стр.5-9 | 2003 |
6. | Ts.Baicheva, E. Velikova, Covering radii of ternary linear codes of small dimensions and codimensions, IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, том:vol. 43, 1997, стр.2057-2061, IF/IR | 1997 |
7. | E. D. Velikova, A generalization of some upper bounds on covering radius under an arbitrary additive metric, Problems of Control and Information Theory, том:vol 19, брой:5-6, 1990, стр.445-450, Ref | 1990 |
8. | E. Velikova, Bounds on covering radius of linear codes, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, том:Tome 41, брой:№ 6, 1988, стр.13-16, Ref, IF/IR | 1988 |
9. | E. Velikova, On the covering radius of some binary cyclic codes, Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St.Kliment Ohridski” Faculte de mathematiques at informatique, Livre 1- Mathematiques, том:Tome 82, 1988, стр.119-125, Ref | 1988 |
10. | E. Velikova, K. Manev, The covering radius of cyclic codes of lengths 33, 35 and 39 , Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St.Kliment Ohridski”, Faculte de mathematiques at informatique, Livre 1- Mathematiques, том:Tome 81, 1987, стр.215-223, Ref | 1987 |
Статии в сборник (на конференция и др.)
1. | Ivanova, K., Velikova, E., Stanchev, P., Mitov, I., (Chapter 3) Automated Metadata Extraction from Art Images, Access to Digital Cultural Heritage: Innovative Applications of Automated Metadata Generation, издателство:PU Publ.House Paisii Hilendarski, Plovdiv, Bulgaria,, 2012, стр.97-152, doi:978-954-423-722-6 | 2012 |
2. | Ivanova K., Stanchev, P., Velikova, E., Vanhoof, K., Depaire, B., Kannan, R., Mitov, I., Markov, K., Features for art painting classification based on vector quantization of MPEG-7 descriptors, Second International Conference on Data Engineering and Management ICDEM, India, 29-30.07.2010, издателство:LNCS 6411, 2012, стр.146-153, Ref | 2012 |
5. | Е. Великова, Д. Григорова, М. Божкова, Анализ и влияние на приема с матура в кандидат-студентската кампания 2009 във Факултета по математика и информатика на СУ, МАТЕМАТИКА И МАТЕМАТИЧЕСКО ОБРАЗОВАНИЕ Доклади на Тридесет и деветата пролетна конференция на Съюза на математиците в България , 2010, стр.268-273 | 2010 |
6. | Е. Великова, М. Нишева, Обучението във ФМИ – единство на традиция и новаторство, Математика и математическо образование, 2009, 2009, стр.13-20, Ref | 2009 |
7. | E. VELIKOVA, A.BOJILOV, An upper bound on the covering radius of a class of cyclic codes, Proc. Eleventh International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Pamporovo, Bulgaria, 2008, стр.300-304 | 2008 |
8. | E. Velikova, A. Bojilov, On the weight distribution of the coset leaders of cyclic codes., Proc. Fourth International Workshop on Optimal Codes and Related Topics, 2005, стр.269-274 | 2005 |
9. | Ts.Baitcheva, E. Velikova, Least covering radius of three-dimensional codes over GF(3), Proc. of XXV Spring Conference of the UMB, Kazanlak, 1996, стр.68-71 | 1996 |
10. | Ts.Baitcheva, E. Velikova, Covering radius of two-dimensional codes over GF(3), Proc. of XXIV Spring Conference of the UMB, 1995, стр.147-151 | 1995 |
11. | E. Velikova, The covering radius of two-dimensional codes over GF(4) , Proc.of International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Novgorod, Russia, 1994, стр.190-193 | 1994 |
12. | K.Manev, E. Velikova, The covering radius and weight distributions of cyclic codes over GF(4) of lengths up to 13 , Proc.II Intern. Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Leningrad, USSA, 1990, стр.150-153 | 1990 |
13. | E. Velikova, Covering radius of some cyclic codes, Proc International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Varna, 1988, стр.165-169 | 1988 |
Учебник/Учебно помагало/
1. | Евгения Великова-Бандова, Записки по кодиране - Двоични шумозащитни кодове, второ разширено и допълнено издание , ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София | 2004 |
2. | Евгения Великова-Бандова, Записки по кодиране - Двоични шумозащитни кодове, ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София | 2001 |
3. | Евгения Великова-Бандова, Записки по кодиране - Циклични кодове, ФОИ-КОМЕРС, София | 2001 |
Забелязани цитирания на доц. д-р Евгения Великова
Публикация | Година | |
1. | Ts.Baicheva, E. Velikova, Covering radii of ternary linear codes of small dimensions and codimensions, IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, том:vol. 43, 1997, стр.2057-2061, IF/IR Цитирана в: A. Davydov,Massimo Giulietti,Stefano Marcugini,Fernanda Pambianco, Linear nonbinary covering codes and saturating sets in projective spaces, AMC,Volume 5, Issue 1, Pages: 119 - 147, February 2011 | 2011 |
2. | Ts.Baicheva, E. Velikova, Covering radii of ternary linear codes of small dimensions and codimensions , IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, том:vol. 43, 1997, стр.2057-2061, IF/IR Цитирана в: Alexander A. Davydov,Patric R. J. Östergård, Linear codes with covering radius 3, Designs, Codes and Cryptography March 2010, Volume 54, Issue 3, pp 253-271 | 2010 |
3. | Ts.Baicheva, E. Velikova, Covering radii of ternary linear codes of small dimensions and codimensions , IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, том:vol. 43, 1997, стр.2057-2061, IF/IR Цитирана в: Davydov, A.A. Marcugini, S. Pambianco, F., Linear codes with covering radius 2, 3 and saturating sets in projective geometry, IEEE Transactions on IT, Volume 50, Issue 3, March 2004 Page: 537 – 541 | 2004 |
4. | Ts.Baicheva, E. Velikova, Covering radii of ternary linear codes of small dimensions and codimensions, IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, том:vol. 43, 1997, стр.2057-2061, IF/IR Цитирана в: P. Ostergaard, Classifying subspaces of Hamming spaces, Designs, Codes and Cryptography 27 (2002), 297-305 | 2002 |
5. | Ts.Baicheva, E. Velikova, Covering radii of ternary linear codes of small dimensions and codimensions, IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, том:vol. 43, 1997, стр.2057-2061, IF/IR Цитирана в: A.Davidov, P. Ostergaard, Linear codes with covering radius R=2, 3 and codimension tR, Volume 47, Issue 1, Jan 2001 Page(s):416 – 421 | 2001 |
6. | E. Velikova, Bounds on covering radius of linear codes, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, том:Tome 41, брой:№ 6, 1988, стр.13-16, Ref , IF/IR Цитирана в: Baicheva, T.S.,On the covering radius of ternary negacyclic codes with length upto 26, IEEE Transactions on IT, Volume 47, Issue 1, Jan 2001 Page(s):413 – 416 | 2001 |
7. | E. Velikova, The covering radius of two-dimensional codes over GF(4), Proc.of International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Novgorod, Russia, 1994, стр.190-193 Цитирана в: Цонка Байчева, кандидатска дисертация на тема „Радиуси на покритие на класове линейни кодове” 1998 | 1998 |
8. | E. D. Velikova, A generalization of some upper bounds on covering radius under an arbitrary additive metric, Problems of Control and Information Theory, том:vol 19, брой:5-6, 1990, стр.445-450, Ref Цитирана в: Цонка Байчева, кандидатска дисертация на тема „Радиуси на покритие на класове линейни кодове” 1998 | 1998 |
9. | E. Velikova, Covering radius of some cyclic codes, Proc International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Varna, 1988, стр.165-169 Цитирана в: Цонка Байчева, кандидатска дисертация на тема „Радиуси на покритие на класове линейни кодове” 1998 | 1998 |
10. | E. Velikova, Bounds on covering radius of linear codes, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, том:Tome 41, брой:№ 6, 1988, стр.13-16, Ref , IF/IR Цитирана в: Цонка Байчева, кандидатска дисертация на тема „Радиуси на покритие на класове линейни кодове” 1998 | 1998 |
11. | E. Velikova, K. Manev, The covering radius of cyclic codes of lengths 33, 35 and 39 , Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St.Kliment Ohridski”, Faculte de mathematiques at informatique, Livre 1- Mathematiques, том:Tome 81, 1987, стр.215-223, Ref Цитирана в: Baicheva, T.S.,Computer tools for determining the covering radius of ternary linear codes, Mathematics and education in mathematics, pp78-81,1997 | 1997 |
12. | E. Velikova, Bounds on covering radius of linear codes, Comptes rendus de l’Academie bulgare des Sciences, том:Tome 41, брой:№ 6, 1988, стр.13-16, Ref , IF/IR Цитирана в: Cohen,Honkala, Litsyn,Lobstein, Covering codes, North-Holland Mathematical Library, vol 54, Elsevier, 1997 | 1997 |
13. | E. Velikova, The covering radius of two-dimensional codes over GF(4), Proc.of International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Novgorod, Russia, 1994, стр.190-193 Цитирана в: Cohen,Honkala, Litsyn,Lobstein, Covering codes, North-Holland Mathematical Library, vol 54, Elsevier, 1997 | 1997 |
14. | E. Velikova, K. Manev, The covering radius of cyclic codes of lengths 33, 35 and 39 , Annuaire de l’Universite de Sofia “St.Kliment Ohridski”, Faculte de mathematiques at informatique, Livre 1- Mathematiques, том:Tome 81, 1987, стр.215-223, Ref Цитирана в: Cohen,Honkala, Litsyn,Lobstein, Covering codes, North-Holland Mathematical Library, vol 54, Elsevier, 1997 | 1997 |
15. | K.Manev, E. Velikova, The covering radius and weight distributions of cyclic codes over GF(4) of lengths up to 13 , Proc.II Intern. Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Leningrad, USSA, 1990, стр.150-153 Цитирана в: Cohen,Honkala, Litsyn,Lobstein, Covering codes, North-Holland Mathematical Library, vol 54, Elsevier, 1997 | 1997 |
16. | E. D. Velikova, A generalization of some upper bounds on covering radius under an arbitrary additive metric, Problems of Control and Information Theory, том:vol 19, брой:5-6, 1990, стр.445-450, Ref Цитирана в: Cohen,Honkala, Litsyn,Lobstein, Covering codes, North-Holland Mathematical Library, vol 54, Elsevier, 1997 | 1997 |
17. | E. Velikova, Covering radius of some cyclic codes, Proc International Workshop on Algebraic and Combinatorial Coding Theory, Varna, 1988, стр.165-169 Цитирана в: Cohen,Honkala, Litsyn,Lobstein, Covering codes, North-Holland Mathematical Library, vol 54, Elsevier, 1997 | 1997 |
18. | Ts.Baicheva, E. Velikova, Covering radii of ternary linear codes of small dimensions and codimensions , IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory, том:vol. 43, 1997, стр.2057-2061, IF/IR Цитирана в: G.Cohen, I.Honkala, S.Litsyn and Lobstein, Covering codes, North-Holland, Elsevier Science B.V.,1997 | 1997 |
19. | Ts.Baitcheva, E. Velikova, Least covering radius of three-dimensional codes over GF(3), Proc. of XXV Spring Conference of the UMB, Kazanlak, 1996, стр.68-71 Цитирана в: G.Cohen, I.Honkala, S.Litsyn and Lobstein, Covering codes, North-Holland, Elsevier Science B.V.,1997 | 1997 |