2007: Associate Professor, Information Technologies Department, , Sofia University
2006: HP-UX System Administration Certified Professional
2002: Assistant Professor at Department of Mathematrics and Informatics, Sofia University
2000- 2001: Associate Professor, Computer Science Department (Halat) , Head of Department at American University of Technology (Lebanon)
1996- 1999: Associate Professor, Computer Science Department (Nicosia) , Head of Department at Frederick Institute of Technology
1993- 1996:Lecturer at Frederick Institute of Technology, Cyprus (Nicosia)
1988: Senior research worker at Sofia Univeristy, Mechatronics Laboratory
1986: PhD, thesis title: “Kinematic Path Control of Robot Arms”
1982- 1985 regular graduate study at Sofia University, Department Mathematics and Informatics with major topic of study “Kinematic Path Control of Robot Arms” under the supervision of Professor Doctor of Science Lubomir Lilov
1981: M Sc., specialization “Stability and Control of Mechanical Systems”
1974: Secondary School graduate(with Golden Medal), 33 Gymnasium – Sofia, Bulgaria
Scientific Interests
mathematical and Computer modelling in software development for robotics
Object oriented programming and applications in modern OS
design and application development for relational databases
client- server applications
development of web based applicaitons
Krustev E., L. Lilov "A new Method for Path Planning the Motion of Robot Arms" ZAMM, 67, Heft 4, pp. 99- 101 (1986)
Krustev E., L. Lilov "The Minimum Time Problem for Redundant Robot Arms" Proc. of the Second Symposium Foundations of Kinematics, Dynamics and Control of Manipulation Robots, (Schwerin DDR) pp 89- 98 (1987)
Lilov L. Krustev E. "A Geometrical Approach to the Solution of the Inverse Kinematic Problem" Proc. of the Third Int. Symposium "Foundations of Dynamics and Control of Manipulation Robots" (Varna Bulgaria) May 1988
Krustev E., “A General Approach for the Computerized Synthesis of Robot Arm Motion”, Proc. of CEEDA ‘96, 3rd Int. Conf. on Concurrent Engineering and Electronic Design Automation (18- 19 Jan. 1996) Poole, UK pp. (435 - 440)
Krustev E., “Planning the motion of Industrial Robot Arms”, The Cyprus Journal of Sc. And Technology, Vol. 1, No. 1, 1995, pp. 25- 29
Vasseva E., Krustev E., “Theoretical Basis of European code for seismic design of structures- Eurocode 8”, The Cyprus Journal of Sc. And Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1996, pp. 29- 41
Vasseva E., Krustev E., Tzenov L., "Theoretical Analysis and Shaking Table Test of R/C Frame Designed according EC8", Proc. of Fourth Conf. On Earthquake Engineering, (17- 19 Sept. 97) Ankara, Turkey
E. Krustev, "Remote Robot Arm Motion Control”, The Cyprus Journal of Sc. And Technology, Vol. 1, No. 3, 1997 pp. 95- 104
Krustev E., Jalil K. "An Intranet Solution for Educational Institutions" The Cyprus Journal of Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, 1998 pp. 5- 16.
Vasseva E., Tzenov L., Krustev E., M. Casirati, G. Franchioni "Comparative Analysis of R/C Frame, Designed According to EC8 and to Bulgarian Seismic Code", Proc. of 11th Conf. On Earthquake Engineering, 1998 Balkema, Rotterdam
Vasseva E., Franchioni G, Krustev E., "Seismic Design of R/C Frames: An Assessment of Behavior Factor and a Comparison of Eurocode 8 and the Bulgarian Seismic Code"12th World Conference on Eartquake Engineering, Auckland, New Zealand (January 2000)
Е. Кръстев, ”Обобщен диференциален подход за кинематично управление на манипулатор с допълнителни степени на свобода", сб. Доклади на Националния младежки симпозиум “Математиката и приложението им в науката и техниката” юни 1983 ЦИНТИ
L. Lilov, Krustev E., "On the Kinematic Control of Robot Arms with Redundancy", Proc. Of the International Conference ROBCON-2, Varna Bulgaria 1983
Е. Кръстев, Л. Лилов ”Планиране на движението на манипулатор с допълнителни степени на свобода при използване на хлъзгащ режим" сб. Доклади на Юбилейната научна сесия на ВТУ “Ангел Кънчев” окт. 1984
Е. Кръстев, Л. Лилов ”Приложение на хлъзгащ режим при планиране на движението на манипулатор с допълнителни степени на свобода" сб. Доклади на Пролетната конференция на СМБ, април 1985р стр. 448- 453
Е. Кръстев, ”Траекторно кинематично управление на манипулационни системи", сб. Доклади на Националния младежки симпозиум “Математиката и приложението им в науката и техниката” юни 1985 ЦИНТИ
Krustev E., L. Lilov "Time- optimal kinematic Path Control of a Robot Arm with Redundancy", Proc. of the V- th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, (Varna Bulgaria Sept. 1985 ) pp. 189- 194
Krustev E. "Algorithm for the Synthesis of a Redundant Robot Arm End Effector's time- optimal motion" Proc. of the V- th National Congress on Theoretical and Applied Mechanics, Sept. 1985 (Varna Bulgaria) pp. 182- 188
Krustev E., L. Lilov, “Kinematic Path Control of Robot Arms” Proc. Of the International Conference ROBCON- 3 Oct. 1985
Krustev E., L. Lilov "Path Motion with a Prescribed Velocity Profile" Proc. of the Int. Conference ROBCON- 3, (Varna Bulgaria Oct. 1985 ) pp. 225- 231
Krustev E., L. Lilov, "Kinematic Path Control of Robot Arms with Redundancy", Technische Mechanik, 6,Heft 2, 35-42 (1985)
Krustev E., L. Lilov "Kinematic Path Control of Robot Arms", Robotica International Journal of Information, Education and Research in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence", 4, No. 2, pp. 107- 116, (1986)
Krustev E., L. Lilov "Extended Kinematic Path Control of Robot Arms", Robotica International Journal of Information, Education and Research in Robotics and Artificial Intelligence", 5, No. 1, pp. 45-53 (1987)
E. Кръстев, Автореферат към дисертация “Траекторно кинематично управление на манипулационни системи" за присъждане на научната и образователна степен “доктор”, 1985, СУ “Кл. Охридски”- ФМИ
E. Krustev, ”Student’s Manual for Modern Operating Systems”, СУ “Кл. Охридски”- ФМИ библиотека и http://is.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/t12, 2005
E. Кръстев,”Ръководство за писане на Дипломна работа”, СУ “Кл. Охридски”- ФМИ библиотека и http://is.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/t12, 2005