2023 - : SUMMIT: Sofia University Marking Momentum for Innovation and Technological Transfer, European Union - NextGenerationEU, through the National Recovery and Resilience Plan of the Republic of Bulgaria, project №BG-RRP-2.004-0008-C01, №70-123-459/27.06.2023
2022 - : me_HeLi-D: Mental Health Literacy and Diversity. Enhancing Mental Health and Resilience through digital Resources for Youth, Erasmus+, KA2, Strategic Partnerships
2020 – 2022 : MIRACle “Mechatronics, Innovation, Robotics, Automation, Clean technologies” Centre of competence, Project BG05M20P001-1.002-0011
2019 – 2020: GATE, European Commission, #: 857155
2018 – 2018: Biomedical data semantic integration models
2018 – 2018: 12th International Conference on Information Systems and Grid Technologies – ISGT’2018
2017 – 2017: 43nd International Conference „Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics“
2016 – 2016: GLOBIG "Model for cloud integration of platform with hybrid massive parallelism and application for analysis and automated semantic enrichment of large collections of heterogeneous data"
in English (for Erasmus students):
Project Risk Management
Design of Robotics Systems
Ethical Design for Trustworthy Solutions
Intellectual Property Protection
Prompt Engineering
Data Bases (seminars)
in Bulgarian:
Management Information Systems I (Information Systems, I year)
Management Information Systems II (Information Systems, II year)
XML-technologies (Information Systems, III year)
E-business Systems (Information Systems, IV year)
Design of Robotics Systems (Elective)
Project Risk Management (Elective)
Ethical Design for Trustworthy Solutions (Elective)
Intellectual Property Protection (Elective)
Prompt Engineering (Elective)
Scientific articles
Ioannis Patias, Vassil Georgiev, Ethical design for trustworthy solutions: an introduction to the course, Proceedings of the fourteenth International Conference on Information Systems and Grid Technologies (ISGT’2021), Sofia, Bulgaria, May 28-29, 2021, Publisher:CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), 2021, pages:1-8, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2933/paper1.pdf, ISSN (online):1613-0073, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.18 - 2020), 2021
Ioannis Patias, Vassil Georgiev, R&D ecosystems success factors, Proceedings of the fourteenth International Conference on Information Systems and Grid Technologies (ISGT’2021), Sofia, Bulgaria, May 28-29, 2021, Publisher:CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), 2021, pages: 244-255, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2933/paper24.pdf, ISSN (online):1613-0073, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.18 - 2020)2021
Kalinka Kaloyanova, Ioannis Patias, Boris Robev, Prototyping Data Management Model and Tasks, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, issue:2933, editor/s:Vladimir Dimitrov, Vasil Georgiev, 2021, pages:256-264, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2933/paper25.pdf, ISSN (online):1613-0073, Ref, IR , SCOPUS, SJR (0.18 - 2020)
I. Patias, V. Georgiev, Cloud Federation Usage in Engineering and Construction Sector, Proceedings of the thirteenth International Conference on Information Systems and Grid Technologies (ISGT’2020), Sofia, Bulgaria, May 29 – 30, 2020, Publisher:CEUR Workshop Proceedings, 2020, 2656, 2020, pages:200-207, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2656/paper20.pdf, ISSN (online):1613-0073, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.166 - 2018) 2020
I. Patias, V. Georgiev, Contract Management Issues in System Integration Projects, 2020 III International Conference on High Technology for Sustainable Development (HiTech), editor/s:Georgi MIHOV, Ivan YATCHEV, Publisher:IEEE Catalog Number CFP20Q62-ART, 2020, pages:1-4, ISBN:978-1-7281-8651-1, doi:10.1109/HiTech51434.2020.9363988, https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/9363988, Ref, Web of Science2020
Ioannis Patias, ENGINEERING AND CONSTRUCTION PROJECT MANAGEMENT IN THE DIGITAL TWIN ERA, INTERNATIONALCONFERENCE ON INNOVATIONS IN SCIENCE AND EDUCATION, editor/s:Petr Hajek, Publisher:ISE Research Institute, 2020, pages:85-90, ISSN (print):TBD, ISSN (online):TBD, ISBN:978 - 80 - 907722 - 9 - 8, doi: https://doi.org/10.12955/pns.v1.127, https://ojs.cbuic.cz/index.php/pns/article/view/127, Ref2020
Ioannis Patias, Vasil Georgiev, Mobile Medical Applications and Cloud Federation Challenges, 16th World Congress on Public Health 2020, editor/s:Walter Ricciardi and Carlo Signorelli, Publisher: WCPH 2020 - European Journal of Public Health, 2020, pages:5-0, ISSN (print):1101-1262, ISSN (online):1464-360X, doi: https://doi.org/10.1093/eurpub/ckaa165.1029, Ref, IF, IF (2.391 - 2019), др.(Committee on Publication Ethics (COP)2020
I. Patias, V. Georgiev, The Use of Big Data in Medicine and Public Health Policy-Making: Opportunities and Challenges, Proceedings of the thirteenth International Conference on Information Systems and Grid Technologies (ISGT’2020), Sofia, Bulgaria, May 29 – 30, 2020, Publisher:CEUR Workshop Proceedings (CEUR-WS.org), 2020, pages:7-13, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2656/paper1.pdf, ISSN (online):1613-0073, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.166 - 2018)2020
Patias, I., Evaluation methods for robots taxation, CEUR Workshop ProceedingsVolume 2464, 2019, editor/s:Vladimir Dimitrov, and Vasil Georgiev, Publisher:УНИВЕРСИТЕТСКО ИЗДАТЕЛСТВО „СВ. КЛИМЕНТ ОХРИДСКИ“, 2019, pages:61-66, http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2464/paper6.pdf, ISSN (online):1613-0073, Ref, SCOPUS, SJR (0.166 - 2018)2019
I. Patias, V. Georgiev, Mobile Medical Applications as Instrument in Supporting Patients Compliance, American Journal of Engineering Research (AJER), vol:6, issue:8, 2017, pages:96-102, https://www.ajer.org/papers/v6(08)/N060896102.pdf, 2017
I. Patias, V. Georgiev, Mobile Medical Applications: From Cloud-oriented to Cloud Ready, Proceedings of the Eleventh Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, Publisher:Association for Information Systems (AIS), 2017, pages:1-11, https://aisel.aisnet.org/mcis2017/6/, Ref, AIS eLibrary2017
Ioannis Patias, Vasil Georgiev, Modeling and Implementation of Bus Rapid Transit corridor based on isolated or coordinated Traffic Prioritization and Automatic Location, Journal of Emerging research and solutions in ICT (https://ersict.org/ersict-02-16-p02/), published by The Faculty of Information and Communication Technologies, University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Bitola, Macedonia, 2016
Ioannis Patias, Vasil Georgiev, Modeling and Implementation of Bus Rapid Transit corridor based on Traffic Prioritization and Automatic Location, Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Applied Internet and Information Technologies (AIIT’2016), http://www.tfzr.uns.ac.rs/aiit/old/archives/AIIT2016/files/proceedings.pdf, Bitola, 3-4 June 2016, 2016, doi:DOI: 10.20544/ERSICT.02.16.P02, 2016
Ioannis Patias, Roboethics: questions related to the implementation of robots, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference ISGT’2016 (Information Systems & Grid Technologies), https://isgt.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/proceedings/ISGT_2016_body.pdf, Sofia, Bulgaria, September, 2016
Ioannis Patias, The necessity of Project Management (PM) capacities and Organizational Flexibility (OF) for the successful implementation of complex projects in Municipalities, proceedings of the 10th International Conference ISGT’2016 (Information Systems & Grid Technologies), https://isgt.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/proceedings/ISGT_2016_body.pdf, Sofia, Bulgaria, September, 2016
I. Patias, V. Georgiev, Embedded Architecture of Tolls Collecting System, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Systems & Grid Technologies ISGT’2015, 2015, pages:152-159, https://isgt.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/proceedings/ISGT15_body.pdf, doi:ISSN 1314-4855, Ref, International 2015
I. Patias, V. Georgiev, Traffic Prioritization System Based on Embedded Components, Proceedings of the Ninth International Conference on Information Systems & Grid Technologies ISGT’2015, Publisher:St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, 2015, pages:116-123, https://isgt.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/proceedings/ISGT15_body.pdf, doi:ISSN 1314-4855, Ref, International 2015
Ioannis Patias, Apostolos Karafillidis, Ivan Momtchev, Automation of the representation in knowledge-based configuration systems with Zoomable User Interface, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference SAER 2002 (Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research), editor/s:Angel Popov, Radi Romanski, Aristotel Tentov et al, Publisher:Printing House of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria , 2002, pages:207-211, ISBN:954-8329-42-5, International 2002
Ioannis Patias, Apostolos Karafillidis, Ivan Momtchev, Paradigmatic application of knowledge-based configuration system with Zoomable User Interface, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference SAER 2002 (Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research), editor/s:Angel Popov, Radi Romanski, Aristotel Tentov et al , Publisher:Printing House of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria , 2002, pages:202-206, ISBN:954-8329-42-5, International 2002
Ioannis Patias, Ivan Momtchev, A comparison analysis of knowledge-based configuration systems , Proceedings of the 15th International Conference SAER 2001 (Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research), editor/s:Angel Popov, Radi Romanski , Publisher:Printing House of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria , 2001, pages:205-209, ISBN:954-8329-33-6, International2001
Ioannis Patias, Ivan Momtchev, A Zoomable User Interface – functions and characteristics, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference «SAER 2000» (Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research), editor/s:Angel Popov, Radi Romanski , Publisher:Printing House of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria , 2000, pages:149-153, ISBN:954-8329-22-0, International2000
Ioannis Patias, Ivan Momchev, Adaptive interface architecture for knowledge-based configuration systems, Proceedings of the CECS 2000 (Communication Electronics and Computer Science), editor/s:I. Momchev, I. Madjarov (Session: Computer Systems), Publisher:Printing House of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria , 2000, pages:231-235, International2000
Ioannis Patias, Ivan Momtchev, Zoomable User's interface application in knowledge-based configuration systems, Proceedings of the 14th International Conference «SAER 2000» (Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research), editor/s:Angel Popov, Radi Romanski , Publisher:Printing House of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria , 2000, pages:154-158, ISBN:954-8329-22-0, International 2000
I. Patias, Iv. Momtchev, PCNET: An Expert System for configuring PC-based LAN’s, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference «SAER ‘94» (Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research), editor/s:Angel Popov, Publisher:Printing House of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria , 1994, pages:311-315, ISBN:954-8329-06-9, International1994
I. Patias, Iv. Momchev, The Use of Knowledge-based configuration system technology for PC’s, Proceedings of the 8th International Conference «SAER ‘94» (Systems for Automation of Engineering and Research), editor/s:Angel Popov, Publisher:Printing House of Union of Scientists in Bulgaria , 1994, pages:316-320, ISBN:954-8329-06-9, International1994
Ioannis Patias, “Application Models of the Embedded Systems Software Architecture in Modern Entrepreneurship”, ISBN: 978-954-07-5018-7, University Press „Sv. Kliment Ohridski “ (https://unipress.bg/), Bulgaria, 2020.
Vasil Georgiev, Ioannis Patias, Christo Christov, “Autonomous Systems: platforms, applications, perspectives – Chapter sensors, and Chapter roboethics”, ISBN:978-954-07-5033-0, University Press „Sv. Kliment Ohridski “ (https://unipress.bg/), Bulgaria, 2020.
Ioannis Patias, Sylvia Ilieva, “Project Risk Management” ISBN:978-954-07-4262-2, University Press „Sv. Kliment Ohridski “ (https://unipress.bg/), Bulgaria, 2018.
Ioannis Patias, Vasil Georgiev, “Design of Robotics systems”, ISBN 978-954-07-4207-6, University Press „Sv. Kliment Ohridski “ (https://unipress.bg/), Bulgaria, 2017.