Kalinka Mihaylova Kaloyanova

Kalinka Mihaylova Kaloyanova

Researcher (R4)
+359 2 8161-594


  • me_HeLi-D: Mental Health Literacy and Diversity. Enhancing Mental Health and Resilience through Digital Resources for Youth, 2022
  • ICT in HE, Developing and Consolidating ICT Skills in a Digitalised Environment in Higher Education, 2021-1-BG01-KA220-HED-000035885, 2021 
  • EXTREME, D01-76/30.03.2021, 2021 
  • National Scientific Program "eHealth ( in Bulgaria)", 2019
  • National Scientific Program “Information and Communication Technologies for a Single Digital Market in Science, Education and Security (ICTinSES)”
  • UNITe - Universities for Science, Informatics and Technologies in the e-Society, 2018
  • GloBIG, ДН 02/9, BNSF, 2016
  • Successful Practices for IS Analysis and Design, Sofia University Science Fund, 2014
  • Implementing Database Systems at Complex Business and IT applications, Sofia University Science Fund, 2013
  • Research and Education on the New Topics in Computer Science and Related Fields - Sofia University & Saarland University, 2012-2014
  • Services Information Aspects, Sofia University Science Fund Project, 2012
  • SEMP (Software Engineering Management Program) Project, ESI Center, Sofia, Bulgaria & SEI/CMU, Pittsburgh, US, 2010-2012
  • Information and Services, Sofia University Science Fund, 2010
  • International Graduate Education and Research in Computer Science and Related Fields, Sofia University & Saarland University,  2009
  • Information Systems – Methodology, Classification, Integration, Sofia University Science Fund, 2009
  • Multidimensional Model Optimization, Sofia University Science Fund, 2008
  • ETN DEC European Thematic Network for Doctoral Education in Computing, 6 FP, 2005-2007
  • SUGrid Hierarchical Services Grid Portal, 2005-2007, National Science Fund Project, 2005-2007
  • Optimization of Data Analysis and Integration, Sofia University Science Fund, 2007
  • Data Modelling at Grid Environment, Sofia University Science Fund, 2005

Last Publication:

 The book Information Security in Education and Practice (Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2021) addresses some of the current challenges in information security that are of interest for a wide range of users, such as governments, companies, universities and students. 


  1. Kaloianova K., Evolution of Dictionary Creating Technologies, Proceedings of the XXIV Summer School: Applications of mathematics in Engineering, Sozopol'98, 1999 г.
  2. Kaloianov K., K. Kaloianova, An Approach to Knowledge Integration and Building Intelligent Interface for Relational Database, Proceedings of Twenty Eight Spring Conference of the Union Of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 1999 г.
  3. Калоянова К., М. Иванова, Нови аспекти в развитието на информационните услуги в интернет, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ’99, 1999г.
  4. Иванова М., К. Калоянова, Информационно осигуряване във WEB среда, реализирано в Центъра за информация и документация в телекомуникациите, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ’99, 1999г.
  5. Калоянова К., Планиране, оценка и управление на софтуерни проекти, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ’99, 1999г.
  6. Kaloianova K., Data modelling approaches, Proceedings of the XXV Summer School Sozopol'99: Applications of Mathematics in Engineering, 2000г.
  7. Калоянова К., Качество на софтуерните продукти, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ’2000, 2000 г.
  8. Калоянова К., А. Камбурова, On-line речници, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ’2000, 2000 г.
  9. Хаджиколева Р., М. Иванова, К. Калоянова, Информационно съдържание и услуги в Интранет среда, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ’2000, 2000 г.
  10. Kaloianova K., Algorithmic Cost Modelling, Proceedings of the XXVI Summer School Sozopol'2000: Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, 2001 г.
  11. Иванова М., В. Матеева, К. Калоянова, Предоставяне на научно-техническа информация за телекомуникации в интранет мрежата на БТК, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ’2001, 2001 г.
  12. Калоянова К., On-line достъп към многоезичния електронен речник на термини от телекомуникациите и информационните технологии, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ’2001, 2001 г.
  13. Калоянова К., В. Матеева, Съвременни средства за обучение и възможности за тяхното използване в Интранет на БТК, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ 2001, 2001 г.
  14. Kaloianova K., Database Systems Quality, Proceedings of the XXVII Summer School Sozopol'2001: Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics, 2002 г.
  15. Калоянова К., В. Матеева, E-Learning: използване на новите информационни и комуникационни технологии за обучение, Международна конференция "Проблеми на малкия и средния бизнес", Юндола, Април, 2002
  16. Калоянова К., E-Learning: нов подход към организация и управление на обучението, IV международна научно-приложна конференция по съвременни проблеми в теорията и практиката на управление на предприятията, Варна, Юли, 2002 г.
  17. Калоянова К., Т. Гелиболян, Интегриран подход за предоставяне на езикова и терминологична информация, сп. "Алтернативи", бр.8, 2002 г.
  18. Kaloianova K., Takuhi Gelibolian, "Some Aspects of Using Terminology Databases" - XXVIII Summer School Sozopol'2002: Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics
  19. Калоянова К., Функционалност на софтуерните решения за e-learning, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ 2002
  20. Калоянова К., Т. Гелиболян, В. Матеева, Научно-техническа информация в Интранет портала на БТК, Национална конференция с международно участие ТЕЛЕКОМ 2002
  21. Ковачева З., И. Найденова, К. Калоянова, Data Mining – същност и основни проблеми при разработката на методи и средства за анализ на данните, сп.”Автоматика и информатика”, бр.7, 2002 г.
  22. Калоянова К., Използване на алтернативни средства за постигане на функционалността на LMS, сп. “Управление и устойчиво развитие”, 2003
  23. Kaloyanova K., Zl. Kovacheva, I. Naydenova, An approach to Oracle Portal development, сп.”Електроника и електротехника”, бр.10-12,2003 г.
  24. Kaloianova K., Takuhi Gelibolian, "Some Aspects of Using Terminology Databases" - XXVIII Summer School Sozopol'2002: Applications of Mathematics in Engineering and Economics,2003
  25. Naydenova Ina, K. Kaloyanova ,Basic Approaches of Integration Between Data Warehouse and Data Mining, Proceedings of the First International Conference On Information Systems & Datagrids, Sofia, February, 2005, ISBN 954-649-761-4, pp 75 -87
  26. Kaloyanova K., Improving Data Integration for Dara Warehouse: A Data Mining Approach, Proceedings of the International Workshop “COMPUTER SCIENCE AND EDICATION”, Borovetz-Sofia, Bulgaria, June, 2005, ISBN 954-535-401-1, pp 39-44
  27. Kaloyanova K.,P. Ignatova,  Software Testing Automation, Second International Scientific Conference “COMPUTER SCIENCE”, Chalkidiki, Greece, September, 2005
  28. Ina Naydenova, K.Kaloyanova, Some Extensions to the Multidimensional Data Model, ISGT'06: IEEE 2006 John Vincent Atanasoff International Symposium on Modern Computing, October 2006, Sofia , Bulgaria
  29. Kaloyanova K., D. Karapetrova,  Software Process Model Improvement, Third International Bulgarian-Turkish Conference “COMPUTER SCIENCE’06”, Istanbul, Turkey, October, 2006
  30. Pashov G, K. Kaloyanova, K. Boyanov, Information Models for Lightweight Grid Platforms, CoreGRID workshop on Grid Systems, Sophia Antipolus, France, 2006
  31. Naydenova I., K. Kaloyanova, An Approach Of  Non-Additive Measures Compression In Molap Environment, IADIS Multi Conference on Computer Science and Information Systems 2007, Lisbon, Portugal, pp 394-399,2007
  32. G.Pashov, K.Kaloyanova, K. Boyanov, Grid Information Frameworks, InformationTechnologies and Control, Sofia, Bulgaria, N 2, pp 2-5, 2007
  33. G.Pashov, K.Kaloyanova, Information Model for Leightweight Grid Platforms, Proceedings of the 3-rd International Workshop on Computer Science and Educaton in Computer Science, Borovets, Bulgaria, 2007, pp 99-106, 2007
  34. P. Petrov, K. Kaloyanova, Data Inconsistency in Relational DBMS, Proceedings of the 4-th International Workshop on Computer Science and Educaton in Computer Science, 6-9 June, Borovets, Bulgaria, pp 14-22, 2008
  35. P. Nikolov, K. Kaloyanova, A Solution for Software Change Management, , Proceedings of the Fourth International Bulgarian-Greek  Scientific Conference “COMPUTER SCIENCE 2008”, 17-20 September, Kavala, Greece, pp 478-483, 2008
  36. Naydenova I., K. Kaloyanova, S.Ivanov, Multi-Source Customer Identification, Third International Conference on Information Systems & Grid Technologies, 28 - 29 May 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp 77-85
  37. Pashov G., K. Kaloyanova, Comparison of Grid Resource Discovery Approaches, Third International Conference on Information Systems & Grid Technologies, 28 - 29 May 2009, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp 138-147
  38. Naydenova I., Z. Kovacheva, K. Kaloyanova,  A Model of Regular Sparsity Map Representation, The 5th International Conference 2009 - Dynamical Systems and Applications, 15-18 June, 2009, Constantza, Romania, pp.197–208
  39. Naydenova I., K. Kaloyanova, G. Georgiev, P. Melkonyan,  Data Errors and Relevant Dimension Values Detection with a Regular Sparsity Map, The 4-th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems – MCIS 2009, 25 - 27 September, Athens, Greece, pp.457 – 463
  40. K.Kaloyanova, Some Aspects of Implementing ITIL, Proceedings of the 6-th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and Educaton in Computer Science, 26-29 June 2010, Fulda-Munich, Germany, pp 48-53
  41. Naydenova I., K. Kaloyanova, Sparsity Handling And Data Explosion In Olap Systems, The 5-th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems – MCIS 2010, 12 - 14 September, Tel Aviv Yaffo, Israel,             AIS Electronic Library (AISeL) - MCIS 2010 Proceedings,  ISBN 978-965-555-474-8
  42. Napoli, J.P, K. Kaloyanova. An Integrated Approach for RUP, EA, SOA and BPM Implementation, Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Computer Systems and Technologies, Vienna, Austria, 16-17 June 2011, ACM DL, ISBN: 978-1-4503-0917-2, pp.63-68
  43. Kaloyanova, K., A. Antonov. Object-oriented approach for developing interactive 3D graphics system in education. Proceedings of 7th Annual International Conference on Computer Science and the Education in Computer Science. Sofia, Bulgaria, July 06-10., 2011, ISSN 1313-8624, pp. 89-100
  44. Popov, St., K. Kaloyanova. A Practical Implementation of SCRUM. Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems and Grid Technologies – ISGT’2011. Sofia, Bulgaria, May, 27-28, 2011, ISSN 1314-4855, pp. 39-46
  45. Kaloyanova, K ., I. Naydenova, Regular Sparsity in OLAP system, Emerging Themes in Information Systems and Organization Studies, Springer- Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2011, ISBN 978-3-7908-2738-5, pp 115-126
  46. Kaloyanova K., Using the Project Approach in IS Education , Proc of the 8th International Conference Computer Science and Education in Computer Science (CSECS), Boston - New York, 5-9 July, 2012, pp 36-40
  47. Kaloyanova K., Design from data: how to use requirements for better information system analysis and design, Proc. of the Int. Conference Informatics in Scientific Knowledge, Varna, June, 26-29, 2012, pp. 189-197
  48. Pashov G., K.Kaloyanova, Requirements to Cloud Service Discovery Systems, Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference "Information Systems & Grid Technologies", 1-3 June, Sofia, 2012, ISSN 1314-4855, pp 280-293
  49. Kyurkchiev H., K. Kaloyanova, Logical Design for Configuration Management Based on ITIL, Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference "Information Systems & Grid Technologies", 1-3 June, Sofia, 2012, ISSN 1314-4855, pp 79-89
  50. Kaloyanova K., E. Mitreva, A Comparison of Change Management Implementation in ITIL, CMMI and Project Management, Proceedings of the 6-th International Conference "Information Systems & Grid Technologies", 1-3 June, Sofia, 2012, ISSN 1314-4855, pp 55-64
  51. Kaloyanova K., Successful Analysis Practices for Information Systems Development, Proc. of the 7th International Technology, Education and Development Conference, Valencia, Spain, March, 4-6, 2013
  52. Kaloyanova K., Including Real Stakeholders at Students Projects, In Proceedings of the 9th International Conference Computer Science and Education in Computer Science (CSECS), 29 June – 2 July, 2013, Fulda/ Wurzburg Germany, pp. 55-59
  53. Kaloyanova K., E. Mitreva, NoSQL solutions to handle big data, Doctoral Conference in Mathematics, Informatics and Education  (MIE 2013), September 19-22, Sofia, 2013, pp 77-85
  54. Kyurkchiev H., K. Kaloyanova, Read Optimization Based on Column-Oriented DBMS, Doctoral Conference in Mathematics, Informatics and Education (MIE 2013), September 19-22, Sofia, 2013, pp 58-66
  55. Kyurkchiev H., K. Kaloyanova,  Performance Study of Analytical Queries of Oracle and Vertica, Proceedings of the 7-th International Conference "Information Systems & Grid Technologies", 31 May-1 June, Sofia, 2013, ISSN 1314-4855, pp 127-139
  56. Hristov Hr., K. Kaloyanova  A graph representation of query cache in OLAP environment, Proceedings of the 7-th International Conference "Information Systems & Grid Technologies", 31 May-1 June, Sofia, 2013, ISSN 1314-4855, pp 108-119
  57. Kaloyanova K., An Implementation of the Project Approach in Teaching Information Systems Courses , Proceedings of the 8th International Technology, Education and Development Conference,INTED 2014 Conference,  Valencia, Spain, March, 10-12, 2014, ISBN: 978-84-616-8412-0 / ISSN: 2340-1079, pp. 7090-7096
  58. Kaloyanova K., N. Maneva, An Approach to the Context-Oriented Use Case Analysis, Proceedings of the 4th International Symposium on Business Modeling and Software Design, BMSD 2014, Luxembourg, June, 24-26, 2014, ISBN: 978-989-758-032-1,  pp. 135-191
  59. Kaloyanova K., Managing Industrial Software Projects in Master Education, Proceedings of the 10th International Conference Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, CSECS 2014, 4-7 July, 2014, Albena, Bulgaria, ISSN 1313-8624, pp.111-124
  60. Kaloyanova K., Information Systems Analysis and Design Course with Projects Based on Real Customers Requirements, Proceedings of the 8th Mediterranean Conference on Information Systems, MCIS 2014, 3-5 September, 2014, Verona, Italy; CD-ROM. ISBN: 978-88-6787-273-2, MCIS 2014 Proceedings. Paper 31; http://aisel.aisnet.org/mcis2014/31
  61. Kaloyanova K., V. Kanabar, Assessing Mastery Of Project Management Core Competency In An IT Project Management Course, Proceedings of the 11th International Conference Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, CSECS 2015, 4-7 June, 2015, Boston, US, pp. 19-25
  62. Kalinka Kaloyanova, Neli Maneva, „Teamwork Assessment for Projects in IS courses“, CEUR Workshop Proceedings , vol: Information Systems and Grid Technologies (ISGT 2018), issue:2464, 2019, pages:80-89, ISBN:1613-0073
  63. Kalinka Kaloyanova, Evgeniy Krastev, Emanuela Mitreva, „Extracting Data from General Practitioners' XML Reports in Bulgarian Healthcare to Comply with ISO/EN 13606“, Proceedings of the 9th Balkan Conference in Informatics, Publisher: ACM, 2019, ISBN:978-1-4503-7193-3, doi:https://doi.org/10.1145/3351556.3351578, 2019
  64. Kalinka Kaloyanova, „Towards Integration of Big Data Technology Components“, Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing , vol: Information Systems (15th European, Mediterranean, and Middle Eastern Conference - EMCIS 2018), issue:341, Publisher:Springer, 2019, pages:114-120, ISSN (print):1865-1348, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-11395-7_11
  65. Evgeniy Krastev, Dimitar Tcharaktchiev, Kalinka Kaloyanova, Lyubomir Kirov, Petko Kovatchev, Simeon Abanos, Nonka Mateva, „Standards Based Adaptaption of Clinical Documents for Interoperability of e-Health Services“, Proc. of the Information Systems and Grid Technologies (ISGT 2020), Publisher:CEUR-WS.org, 2020, pages:14-29, ISSN (online):1613-0073
  66. Kalinka Kaloyanova, "Improving Medical Data Modeling Using Standards", chapter in the book: Knowledge, Languages, Models, Incoma Ltd, ISBN:978-954-452-062-5, 2020
  67. Kalinka Kaloyanova, Ioannis Patias, Boris Robev, „Prototyping Data Management Model and Tasks“, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, issue:2933, editor/s:Vladimir Dimitrov, Vasil Georgiev, 2021, pages:256-264, ISSN (online):1613-0073
  68. Ina Naydenova, Zlatinka Kovacheva, Kalinka Kaloyanova,“ Important Data Quality Accents for Data Analytics and Decision Making“, Proceedings of the 1st IFSA Winter Conference on Automation, Robotics & Communications for Industry 4.0 (ARCI’ 2021), Publisher:International Frequency Sensor Association (IFSA) Publishing, S. L., 2021, pages:90-95, ISBN:978-84-09-27538-0
  69. Kalinka Kaloyanova, Ina Naydenova, Zlatinka Kovacheva, „Addressing Data Quality in Healthcare“, CEUR Workshop Proceedings, issue:2933,  pages:155-164, ISSN (online):1613-0073
  70. Zlatinka Kovacheva, Kalinka Kaloyanova, Ina Naydenova, Emiliya Saranova, Effective Methods for Teaching Mathematics and Informatics in Higher Education in the Digital World, TEM Journal, vol:11, issue:2933, 2022, pages:876-881, ISSN (online):2217‐8309, doi:DOI: 10.18421/TEM112‐48
  71. Ina Naydenova, Zlatinka Kovacheva, Kalinka Kaloyanova, „A Multidimensional Rendering of Error Types in Sensor Data“, Intelligent Sustainable Systems, issue:334, Publisher:Springer, Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems book series (LNNS, volume 334) , 2022, pages:139-149, ISSN (print):978-981-16-6368-0, ISSN (online):978-981-16-6369-7, ISBN:978-981-16-6368-0, doi:https://doi.org/10.1007/978-981-16-6369-7_13, SCOPUS, SJR (0.17 - 2020)
  72. Ioannis Patias, Kalika Kaloyanova, “Digital health literacy and well-being of students at Sofia University – Bulgaria", Accepted for a Workshop in the 15th European Public Health Conference 2022 (November, 9 – 12, 2022), in Berlin, Germany
  73. Kalika Kaloyanova, Ioannis Patias, “Students’ attitudes towards searching, evaluating, and sharing Covid-19 related information”, Accepted for HCist - International Conference on Health and Social Care Information Systems and Technologies 2021, 9-11.11.2022, Lisbon, Portugal
  74. Kalinka Kaloyanova, Ina Naydenova, Zlatinka Kovacheva, "Addressing Quality Issues in Secondary Use of Health Data", 15th Information Systems and Grid Technologies Conference, Sofia, Bilgaria, 28-29 May 2022, ceur-ws.org/vol. 3191, pp. 358-367
  75. Kalinka Kaloyanova, " Towards Competency Model in IS Education", 15th Information Systems and Grid Technologies Conference, Sofia, Bilgaria, 28-29 May 2022, ceur-ws.org/vol. 3191, pp. 180-191
  76. Kalinka Kaloyanova, Applying ITIL Principles at University, 14th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, 4-6 July 2022, EDULEARN22 Proceedings, pp. 6823-6830