Patias, I., V. Georgiev. Traffic Prioritization System Based on Embedded Components. Proceedings of the 9. International Conference on Information Services and Grid Technologies (ISGT'2015). Sofia, May 29. – 30. 2015. pp 116-123. ISSN 1314-4855.
Patias, I., V. Georgiev. Traffic Prioritization System Based on Embedded Components. Proceedings of the 9. International Conference on Information Services and Grid Technologies (ISGT'2015). Sofia, May 29. – 30. 2015. pp 152-163. ISSN 1314-4855.
Georgiev, V. Numerical Solution of Cloud Servicing Models. Proceedings of the 2014 International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and Industry (MCSI 2014) Varna, Bulgaria, 13-15 September 2014, pp 22.-26. ISBN 978-1-4799-4324-1/14 2014 IEEE. (Scopus record 21100398507)
Hristov, H., V. Georgiev. Architecting the cloud super layer of open source components. Proceedings of the 8. International Conference on Information Services and Grid Technologies (ISGT'2014). Sofia, May 30. – 31. 2014. pp 100.-104. ISSN 1314-4855.
Simeonov, D., V. Georgiev. Distributed coordination with Apache ZooKeeper. Proceedings of the 8. International Conference on Information Services and Grid Technologies (ISGT'2014). Sofia, May 30. – 31. 2014. pp 65.-73. ISSN 1314-4855.
Георгиев, В., М.Нишева, Б. Бончев. Вградени и автономни системи. Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски". София, 2014. 215 стр. ISBN 978-954-07-3660-0.
Ivanov, R., V. Georgiev. Models of the Quality of Cloud Services. Proceedings of the 7. International Conference on Information Services and Grid Technologies (ISGT'2013). Sofia, May 31. – June, 1. 2013. pp. 248 – 253. ISSN 1314-4855.
Димитров, В., В. Георгиев. Съвременните модели, архитектури и технологии за информационно обслужване. Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски". София, 2012. 180 стр. ISBN 978-954-07-3381-4.
Zhelev, R., Georgiev, V. A DHT-based Scalable and Fault-tolerant Cloud Information Service. Proceedings of the UBICOMM 2011: The Fifth International Conference on Mobile Ubiquitous Computing, Systems, Services and Technologies, Lisbon-Portugal, November 20-25, 2011., pp. 66 – 72. ISBN 978-1-61208-171-7. (Scopus record 21100248945)
Georgiev, V., J. Karvo. Numerical Modeling of Load-balanced Multicore Servers in a Cloud Cluster. Proceedings of 12th Middle Eastern Simulation and Modeling Multiconference MESM’2011, Amman –Jordan, November 14-16., 2011. pp. 48 – 52. ISBN 978-90-7738167-0. (Scopus record 21100305323)
Zhelev, R., Georgiev, V. Resource Information Service for Cloud Datacenters. Proceedings of the International Conference on Information & Communication Systems, Irbid –Jordan, May 22-24., 2011. pp. 83 – 88. ISBN 978-1-4507-8208-1. (Scopus record 21100201782)
Georgiev, V. Load Diffusion and Brownian Models for Cloud Balancing: between C-S and p2p. In Proceedings of ESM’2010, Hasselt, Belgium, 25th – 27th October, 2010. pp. 170 – 177. ISBN 978-90-77381-57-1. (Scopus record 21100304835)
Zhelev R. and V. Georgiev. A Generic Resource Framework for Cloud Systems, Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Distributed Computing and Grid-technologies in Science and Education, June 28 - July 3, 2010 Dubna, Russia., pp. 268 – 278. ISBN 978-5-9530-0269-1.
Zhelev R. and V. Georgiev., Load balanced Resource Management for Cloud Systems, in the Proceedings of The 4th International Conference on Information Systems and Grid Technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria, 28th – 29th May, 2010. pp. 133 – 144.
Iordanov, I. and V. Georgiev, Design and Modeling of Cloud Application Architecture, Proceedings of 5th International Scientific Conference on Computer Science, Sofia, Bulgaria, 4th – 5th November, 2009. pp 142. – 147. ISBN 978-954-438-853-9.
Iordanov, I. and V. Georgiev, Architecting Process for High-level Social-oriented Resource Allocation Cloud, Proceedings of 5th International Scientific Conference on Computer Science, Sofia, Bulgaria, 4th – 5th November, 2009. pp 148. – 153. ISBN 978-954-438-853-9.
Jelev, R. and V. Georgiev, Service Functionality for Cloud Systems, Proceedings of 3rd Int Conference on Information Systems and Grid technologies, Sofia, Bulgaria, 28th – 29th May, 2009. рр 168 – 182.
Kirchev L. and V. Georgiev, Simulation Modeling of a Cluster-to-cluster Grid, in proceedings of ESM2008, Le Havre, France, 27th – 29th October, 2008. pp. 332 – 337.
S. Yousouf, L. Kirchev and V. Georgiev, A Java Task Execution Manager for Commodity Grids, Grid and Services Evolution, pp. 1-16. Springer, 2009, ISBN-13 978-0-387-85965-1.
Adamski, M., Alvaro Arenas, Paraskevi Fragopoulou, Vasil Georgiev, Alejandro Hevia, Gracjan Jankowski1, Brian Matthews, Norbert Meyer, Angelos Bilas, Jorg Platte, Michael Wilson. Trust and Security in Grids: A State of the Art. CoreGRID White Paper, Number WHP-0001, May 26, 2008. 33 pages. ( stories/WhitePapers/whp-0001.pdf).
L. Kirchev, V. Georgiev and K. Boyanov, Workflow Management for a General Purpose Grid Platform of Commodity Computers, in Proceedings of the International Workshop on Network and GRID Infrastructures, June 19 – 23. 2006., Paris, France. pp. 42 – 50.
L. Kirchev, V. Georgiev and K. Boyanov, A J2EE-based Implementation of a Lightweight Grid Platform, in Proceedings of the 3rd International Workshop on Computer Science and Education in Computer Science, Borovets, Bulgaria, June 09-11, 2007. pp. 89-97.
L. Kirchev, M. Blyantov, V. Georgiev, K. Boyanov. A Communication Model Supporting Process Migration in Grid. In Proceedings of EXPGRID workshop on large-scale distributed systems of the 15th international symposium on High-Performance Distributed Computing HPDC’06, June 19 – 23. 2006., Paris, France. pp. 31-38.
Lazar Kirchev, Minko Blyantov, Vasil Georgiev, Kiril Boyanov, Ian Taylor, Andrew Harrison, Stavros Isaiadis, Vladimir Getov, Natalia Currle-Linde. Mapping “Heavy” Scientific Applications on a Lightweight Grid Infrastructure. (Jan., 2006.) CoreGRID TR-0024.
Lazar Kirchev, Minko Blyantov, Vasil Georgiev, Kiril Boyanov, Maciej Malawski, Marian Bubak, Stavros Isaiadis, Vladimir Getov. User Profiling for Lightweight Grids. CoreGRID TR-0023 (Jan., 2006.)
Blyantov, M., V. Georgiev, V. A Java-based Portal Architecture for Grid Services. Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information Systems and Datagrid, Sofia, Bulgaria, February 17-18, 2005, pp. 18-26.
Kirchev, L., M. Blyantov, V. Georgiev. A Communication Model Supporting Process Migration in Grid. Information Technologies and Control, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3., 2005, pp. 46-51.
Kirchev, L., V. Georgiev, K. Boyanov. A Security Model for Commodity Grids. Information Technologies and Control, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3., 2005, pp. 28-32.
M. Blyantov, V. Georgiev, K. Boyanov. A Model of Simplified Resource Management for Lightweight Multilevel Grid. Information Technologies and Control, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2., 2005, pp. 20-24.
Blyantov, M., L. Kirchev, V. Georgiev, K. Boyanov. A Hierarchical Architecture Supporting Services in Grid. Proceedings of the International Conference Automatics and Informatics’05, Sofia, Bulgaria, October 03-05, 2005, pp. 39-43.
Georgiev, V., J. Karvo, K. Boyanov. Signalling Load of Threshold Based Registration in Mobile IP. International Workshop on Next Generation Network Technologies, Rousse, Bulgaria, October 11-12, 2002, pp. 80-86.
Georgiev, V., Getov, V. Simulation of replicated services in Jini. In: Tentner, Adrian, (ed.) Proceedings of the High Performance Computing Symposium - HPC 2002 : 2002 Advanced Simulation Technologies Conference, San Diego, California, Mission Valley Marriott, April 14-18, 2002. Simulation Councils, San Diego, USA, pp. 227-232. ISBN 1565552504
Georgiev, V., Getov, V. Assignment Schemes for Replicated Services in Jini. In Proceedings of 10th Euromicro Workshop on Parallel, Distributed and Network-based Processing, ISBN: 0-7695-1444-8, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, January 9-11, 2002, pp. 129-136.
Georgiev, V., J. Karvo. Modelling Mobile Internet Communications with Postponed Binding Updates. 15th European Simulation Multiconference, Society for Computer Simulation - Europe, Prague, Czech Rep., June 6-9, 2001, pp. 818-822.