The BA programme in Informatics is a four-year course of studies which prepares specialists of fundamental knowledge and practical skills in the field of Informatics. The curriculum includes compulsory and optional courses from the main fields of Informatics, namely Computer Science (Programming, Data Structures and Algorithms, Computer Architectures, Operating Systems, Computer Networks, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Graphics, Decision Making Systems), Information Systems (Databases, Design and Evaluation of Information Systems, Business Process Modelling) and Software Engineering (Software Methodologies, Standards and Metrics, Productivity, Security and Safety of Software; Hardware and Software Interfaces) and the main fields of Mathematics and Applied Mathematics (Algebra, Geometry, Mathematical Analysis, Differential Equations, Numerical Methods, Theory of Probability and Mathematical Statistics, Operations Research).
Successful graduates of this BA programme will be able to take on careers as analytical and applied specialists in mathematical provision of computer systems in software, telecommunication, engineering, financial or insurance institutions, and companies; specialists in ICT in the state and municipal administration; lecturers at higher schools; applied specialists in the field of exact sciences; scientists and others.