Mathematics and Informatics

Professional area: 
1.3. Pedagogy of education in ...
МИУ0112 Mathematics and Informatics
Form of education: 
Duration of full-time training (in semesters): 
Professional qualification: 
Bachelor in Mathematics and Informatics - Teacher in Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technologies

Focus, educational goals

The specialization of Mathematics and Informatics prepares bachelors in Mathematics and Informatics with the qualification of teachers in Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technologies to grades V to XII. In addition to their basic training in Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technologies, students become familiar with modern educational technologies and strategies in these fields.


Graduates of Mathematics and Informatics have theoretical knowledge in Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technologies and practical skills for teaching the former in secondary schools:

  • They have fundamental knowledge in the following mathematical fields: Algebra, Geometry, Differential and Integral Calculus, Number Theory, Probabilities and Statistics, etc.
  • They have fundamental knowledge in the following fields of Informatics: Data Structures and Algorithms, Object-Oriented Programming, Databases, Computer Systems and Technologies, Computer Networks.
  • They have practical skills for object-oriented programming, creating interactive graphic education software, designing and managing information systems with databases, and working with Internet applications.
  • They have fundamental knowledge in the following pedagogical, methodological and specialized fields: Pedagogical Psychology, Pedagogy, Audiovisual and Information Technologies in Education, school course in Geometry, school course in Informatics and Information Technologies, school course on Algebra and Analysis, Methodology of training in Mathematics (general and special methodology), Methodology of education in Informatics and Information Technologies.

Professional competence

Graduates in Mathematics and Informatics are able to:

  • teach Mathematics, Informatics and Information Technology in secondary schools;
  • apply their theoretical knowledge in solving practical problems;
  • independently analyze, design and implement computer systems.

Professional realization

The specialization of Mathematics and Informatics prepares teachers in Mathematics and Informatics and IT teachers for grades V-XII. Apart from having the qualifications of teachers in secondary schools, graduates have the knowledge, skills and potential for development, and in a number of other areas, such as editors of popular, specialized and scientific editions; developers of electronic learning content for e-learning platforms; implementation of modern educational technologies and strategies and methodologies for their use. They can acquire a Master’s degree and a Doctoral degree in the field of methodology and innovations in teaching Mathematics, Informatics and IT.