Text Box: http://www.fmi.uni-sofia.bg/fmi/logic/soskov/jump_operator.pdf

Computability with Partial Information

Supported by the Bulgarian National Science Fund

Publications The omega enumeration degrees

H. Ganchev, Exact pair theorem for the omega-enumeration degrees, Computation and Logic in the Real World, LNCSvol. 4497, (2007), 316--324.

H. Ganchev and M. Soskova, The high/low hierarchy in the local structure of the ω-enumeration degrees, Ann. Pure and Appl. Logic, Vol. 163 (2012), pp. 547 -- 566
I. Soskov, The omega-enumeration dgerees, Journal of Logic and Computation, Vol. 17(2007) 1193 - 1217.

I. Soskov and H. Ganchev, The jump operator on the omega-enumeration degrees, Annals of Pure and Applied Logic, 160 (2009), 289--301.

M. Soskova and I. Soskov , Embedding countable partial orderings in the enumeration degrees and the omega-enumeration degrees, Journal of Logic and Computation, doi:10.1093/logcom/exq051


H. Ganchev, Definability in the local theory of the omega-enumeration degrees, Mathematical theory and computational practice, LNCS, 5635, Springer, Heidelberg, 2009, 242--249.


I. Soskov,  H. Ganchev and M. Soskova,  Kalimullin pairs of   Σ0omega-enumeration degrees, Трудове на конференцията “120 години ФМИ” към СУ, 2009.


I. N. Soskov and M. I. Soskova, Kalimullin pairs of $\Sigma^0_2$ omega-enumeration degrees, Vol. 5 (2011), pp. 637-658