
As a rule, each individual master's programme conducts its own competitive examination. In most cases, these exams are an interview.

Exceptions are the master's programmes in the professional area of Informatics and Computer Science. The competitive exam is given as a test of 40 questions of equal importance for the final grade. The test includes two parts:

  1. IQ test of 10 questions based on the model of the classic professional tests of this type;
  2. Test in Informatics and Computer Science which consists of 30 questions of medium complexity in the following topics:
    • Computer architectures - number formats, internal structure of а central processor unit, memory structure and hierarchy;
    • File system. Logical organization and physical presentation;
    • Finite automata. Regular expressions;
    • Procedural programming – basic information and algorithmic structures;
    • Object Oriented Programming - Principles. Classes and objects, operators, templates, inheritance, polymorphism;
    • Data structures (stack, queue, list, tree, graph). Basic operations. Implementation;
    • Databases. Relational model. Normal forms. SQL;
    • First-order logic: terms and formulas. Horn clauses. Unification. Resolution method;
    • Basic concepts in functional programming languages. Defining and using functions. Lists. Higher-order functions for list manipulations;
    • State space - basic concepts and tasks. Basic strategies for uninformed ("blind") search. Methods for informed search (heuristics) for a path to a certain goal. Genetic algorithms;
    • Raster and vector representation of graphic data. Rasterization of segment, circle and ellipse. Screen clipping;
    • Computer networks. Reference model. Internet. Protocols and interfaces. Services;
    • XML programming – structuring, validation, processing and representation of document content;
    • Project Management - Basic Concepts. Project and product life cycle. Project evaluation and planning. Building of timetables.