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G. P. Nikolov and P. B. Nikolov, Quadrature formulae based on interpolation by parabolic splines, East J. Approx. 16, 3(2010), 219-233.
G. Nikolov and A. Alexandrov, An inequality of Duffin-Schaeffer type for Hermite polynomials, в: Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2010 (G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publ. House, Sofia, 2012, 9-20.
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G. Nikolov and A. Alexandrov, On the behavior of Gegenbauer polynomials in the complex plane, Results in Mathematics, 62 (2012), 415-428, DOI 10.1007/s00025-012-284-4.
A. Avdzhieva and G. Nikolov, Numerical computation of Gaussian quadrature formulae for spaces of cubic splines with equidistant knots, в: Proceedings of BGSIAM'2012, ISSN: 1314-7145, 28-39.
G. Nikolov, Inequalities of Markov-Duffin-Schaeffer type with a majorant, Sofia University "St. Kliment Ohridski", Research Excellence 2008-2013, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, 2013, pp. 43-44.
G. Nikolov, On Turan's inequality for ultraspherical polynomials, Ann. Univ. Sofia 101 (2013), 105-114.
A. Avdzhieva and G. Nikolov, On certain asymptotically optimal quadrature formulae, в: Advanced Research in Mathematics and Computer Science (P. Sloup, K. Stefanov, I. Koychev and P. Boytchev, Eds.), St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, 2014, pp. 3-21.
G. Nikolov, Inequalities for ultraspherical polynomials. Proof of a conjecture of I. Rasa, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 418 (2014), 852-860.
G. Nikolov and A. Shadrin, On Markov-Duffin-Schaeffer inequalities with a majorant, II, в: Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2013 (K. Ivanov, G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publ. House, Sofia, 2014, pp. 175-197.
A. Alexandrov, H. Dietert, G. Nikolov and V. Pillwein, Proof of a conjecture of M. Patrick concerning Jacobi polynomials, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 428 (2015), 750-761.
G. Nikolov and V. Pillwein, An extension of Turan's inequality, Math. Inequal. Appl. 18 (1) (2015), 321-335, doi: 10.7153/mia-18-22.