Iordan Velinov Iordanov

Iordan Velinov Iordanov

Associate professor


1976–1980: СУ "Св. Климент Охридски", математика, кандидат на математическите науки1966–1971: СУ "Св.Климент Охридски", специалност “Математика”

Scientific Interests

  • Частни диференциални уравнения - разпространение на особеностите на решенията
  • Пространствена икономика
  • Макроикономика


Приемно време

сряда     15-16
четвъртък 13-14
каб. 516 ФМИ


  1. P. Popivanov, I. Iordanov, Anomalous singularities of the solutions to several classes of weakly hyperbolic systems. Examples, Progress in Analysis, Proc. of 3rd ISAAC congress, 2001, Berlin, Editors: G.W. Begehr, R.P. Gilbert, M.W. Wong, Singapore 2003, vol. 1, 697-703.
  2. P.Popivanov, I. Iordanov, On the Anomalous Singularities of the Solutions to Some Classes of Weakly Hyperbolic Semilinear Systems. Systems. Banach Center Publ. volume 60, Warszawa 2003, 209-218.
  3. I. Iordanov, P.Popivanov, Weakly Hyperbolic Systems Having Infinite Order of Tangency Between Two Characteristics - Regularizing Effect on the Anomalous Singularities, Comptes rendus de l'Acad. bul. Sci., t. 56, No 12, 2003, 11-16.
  4. Iordanov, Iordan V., Stoyan V. Stoyanov, and Andrey A. Vassilev, Price dynamics in a two region model with strategic interaction, Proceedings of the Spring Conference of the Union of Bulgarian Mathematicians, 2004, 144-149.
  5. Vassilev, Andrey A., Iordan V. Iordanov and Stoyan V. Stoyanov, A strategic model of trade between two regions with continuos-time price dynamics, Comptes rendus de l'Acad bul. Sci., t. 58, No 4, 2005, 361-366.
  6. Й. Йорданов, Т. Черногорова, В. Ракидзи, Математика за студенти по икономика и управление, Университетско издателство "Св. Кл. Охридски", 2005, София.
  7. Iordanov, Iordan V. and Andrey A. Vassilev, Optimal relocation strategies for spatially mobile consumers, 2006, work in progress.