On the structure of some arcs related to caps and the nonexistence of some optimal codes

TitleOn the structure of some arcs related to caps and the nonexistence of some optimal codes
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsRousseva A
JournalAnnuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Faculté de Mathématiques et Informatique
Start Page11
ISSN1313-9215 (Print) 2603-5529 (Online)
Keywordsnite projecive geometries, arcs, extendable arcs, Griesmer arcs, Griesmer codes, Linear codes, the griesmer bound

In this paper we solve two instances of the main problem in coding theory for linear codes of dimension 5 over $\mathbb{F}_4$. We prove the nonexistence of $[395,5,295]_4$- and $[396,5,296]_4$-codes which implies the exact values $n_4(5,295)=396$ and $n_4(5,296)=397$. As a by-product, we characterize the arcs with parameters $(100,26)$ in $PG(3,4)$.

2010 MSC

Primary: 51A20, 51A21, 94B65; Secondary: 51A22

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