Qualitative analysis of a mathematical model of calcium dynamics inside the muscle cell

TitleQualitative analysis of a mathematical model of calcium dynamics inside the muscle cell
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2019
AuthorsNedyalkova ZD, Ivanov TB
JournalAnnuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Faculté de Mathématiques et Informatique
Start Page127
ISSN1313-9215 (Print) 2603-5529 (Online)
KeywordsCalcium dynamics, dynamical system, equilibrium points, muscle cell, stability analysis

In this paper, we consider a mathematical model of calcium dynamics inside the muscle cell, proposed by Williams. We make a qualitative study of the model solutions. In particular, we study the existence and stability of equilibrium points of the model with respect to the model parameters in two limiting cases-when a constant stimulus is present and when there is no stimulus that triggers muscle activity. Numerical examples are given for each case, in order to illustrate the analytic results.

2010 MSC


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