Increase digital health literacy with the practical implementation of an e-learning system according to WCAG compliance standards

TitleIncrease digital health literacy with the practical implementation of an e-learning system according to WCAG compliance standards
Publication TypeJournal Article
Year of Publication2023
AuthorsBlazeska-Tabakovska N, Savoska S, Bocevska A, Jolevski I, Ristevski B, Trajkovik V
JournalAnnuaire de l’Université de Sofia “St. Kliment Ohridski”. Faculté de Mathématiques et Informatique
Start Page51
ISSN1313-9215 (Print) 2603-5529 (Online)
Keywordsaccessibility, ATutor, cognitive disability, Learning Management System (LMS), usability

Individuals with cognitive difficulties (CD) have very limited access to appropriate learning resources. Their unique individual needs and requirements prevent them from accessing traditional online formal and informal learning methods, and resources are usually inadequate. We develop an e-learning platform with health content as an opportunity for all to increase digital health literacy, including people with cognitive disabilities. The paper aims to present some feature's settings important for people with a wide range of cognitive disabilities.

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