L. Milev, A note on Schur's theorem, Facta Universitatis, Ser. Math. Inform. 9 (1994), 43-49.
L. Milev, G. Nikolov, On the inequality of I. Schur, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 216 (1997), 421-437.
L. Milev, An inequality of Schur's type, Approx. Theory & its Appls. 14 (1998), 56-63.
L. Milev, Weighted polynomial inequalities on infinite intervals, East J. Approx. 5 (1999), 449-465.
L. Milev, Gaussian quadrature formulae for periodic ET-systems, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 54 (2001), 13-18.
L. Milev, A weighted Markov's inequality on the real line, in "Constructive Theory of Functions", Varna 2002 (B. Bojanov Ed.), pp. 362-365, DARBA, Sofia, 2003.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Markov's inequalities in integral norm for oscillating weighted polynomials, in "Approximation Theory: A volume dedicated to Borislav Bojanov" (D. K. Dimitrov, G. Nikolov, and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 176-185, Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2004.
L. B. Milev, Sz. Gy. Revesz, Bernstein's inequality for multivariate polynomials on the standard simplex, J. Ineq. and Appls. 2005:2 (2005), 145-163.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, An extension of the Markov inequality for the Laguerre weight, East J. Approx. 11 (2005), 109-118.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Exact Markov inequalities for the Hermite and Laguerre weights, J. Approx. Theory 138 (2006), 87-96.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Weighted Markov inequalities on infinite intervals, in "Constructive Theory of Functions", Varna 2005 (B. Bojanov Ed.), pp. 187-193, Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2006.
L. Milev, Numerical computation of the Markov factors for the systems of polynomials with the Hermite and Laguerre weights, in "Numerical Methods and Applications" (T. Boyanov, S. Dimova, K. Georgiev, and G. Nikolov, Eds.), pp. 386-393, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 4310, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, An extension of the Markov inequality for the Hermite weight, East J. Approx. 13 (2007), 77-103.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Monotonicity of the zeros and the extremal points of certain oscillating polynomials, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 60 (2007), 111-116.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Strictly definite extreme points of the unit ball in a polynomial space, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 61 (2008), 1393-1400.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Markov interlacing property for exponential polynomials, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 367 (2010), 669-676.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Strictly definite extreme points of the unit ball in a polynomial space, abstract of a talk presented in 9th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Varna 2009, J. Geometry 97 (2010), 138-139.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Indefinite Extreme Points in a Set of Quadratic Bivariate Polynomials, in "120 Years Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia", Proceedings, pp. 249-250, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, 2011.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Indefinite extreme points of the unit ball in a polynomial space, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 77 (2011), 409-424.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Interlacing Properties of Certain Tchebysheff Systems, in "Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2010: In memory of Borislav Bojanov" (G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 192-200, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2012.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Markov Type Inequalities for Oscillating Exponential Polynomials, in "Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2010: In memory of Borislav Bojanov" (G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 201-212, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2012.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Semidefinite extreme points of the unit ball in a polynomial space, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 405 (2013), 631-641.
L. Milev, Semidefinite Extreme Points in a Polynomial Space, in: "Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2013: Dedicated to Blagovest Sendov and Vasil Popov" (K. Ivanov, G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 155-164, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2014.
Л. Милев, Н. Найденов, С. Ревес, Оценки за производните на полиноми върху стандартния симплекс, в: "Юбилейна научна конференция 125 години математика и природни науки в Софийския университет "Св. Климент Охридски"", стр. 53-55, Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски", София, 2014.
Образование и научни степени
2000 - Образователна и научна степен ,,Доктор’’, СУ ,,Св. Климент Охридски’’
Научни интереси
Теория на апроксимациите
Екстремални задачи за полиноми и Чебишеви системи
Многомерни задачи
Научни проекти
Договор ДДВУ 02/30 "Съвременни методи в теория на апроксимациите" с НФНИ на МОМН.
Договор "Апроксимации и числени методи" с ФНИ на СУ "Св. Кл. Охридски".
Преподавателска дейност
Зимен семестър 2015/2016
Лекции и упражнения по ,,Числени методи на линейната алгебра’’ Спец. ,,Статистика’’, 3 курс
Лекции по ,,Сплайн-функции’’ (изборен курс) Спец. ,,Приложна математика’’, ,,Информатика’’, ,,Компютърни науки’’ и маг. програма ИМММ
Списък с публикации
L. Milev, A note on Schur's theorem, Facta Universitatis, Ser. Math. Inform. 9 (1994), 43-49.
L. Milev, G. Nikolov, On the inequality of I. Schur, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 216 (1997), 421-437.
L. Milev, An inequality of Schur's type, Approx. Theory & its Appls. 14 (1998), 56-63.
L. Milev, Weighted polynomial inequalities on infinite intervals, East J. Approx. 5 (1999), 449-465.
L. Milev, Gaussian quadrature formulae for periodic ET-systems, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 54 (2001), 13-18.
L. Milev, A weighted Markov's inequality on the real line, in "Constructive Theory of Functions", Varna 2002 (B. Bojanov Ed.), pp. 362-365, DARBA, Sofia, 2003.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Markov's inequalities in integral norm for oscillating weighted polynomials, in "Approximation Theory: A volume dedicated to Borislav Bojanov" (D. K. Dimitrov, G. Nikolov, and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 176-185, Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2004.
L. B. Milev, Sz. Gy. Revesz, Bernstein's inequality for multivariate polynomials on the standard simplex, J. Ineq. and Appls. 2005:2 (2005), 145-163.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, An extension of the Markov inequality for the Laguerre weight, East J. Approx. 11 (2005), 109-118.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Exact Markov inequalities for the Hermite and Laguerre weights, J. Approx. Theory 138 (2006), 87-96.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Weighted Markov inequalities on infinite intervals, in "Constructive Theory of Functions", Varna 2005 (B. Bojanov Ed.), pp. 187-193, Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2006.
L. Milev, Numerical computation of the Markov factors for the systems of polynomials with the Hermite and Laguerre weights, in "Numerical Methods and Applications" (T. Boyanov, S. Dimova, K. Georgiev, and G. Nikolov, Eds.), pp. 386-393, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, v. 4310, Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg, 2007.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, An extension of the Markov inequality for the Hermite weight, East J. Approx. 13 (2007), 77-103.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Monotonicity of the zeros and the extremal points of certain oscillating polynomials, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci., 60 (2007), 111-116.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Strictly definite extreme points of the unit ball in a polynomial space, C. R. Acad. Bulg. Sci. 61 (2008), 1393-1400.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Markov interlacing property for exponential polynomials, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 367 (2010), 669-676.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Strictly definite extreme points of the unit ball in a polynomial space, abstract of a talk presented in 9th International Conference on Geometry and Applications, Varna 2009, J. Geometry 97 (2010), 138-139.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Indefinite Extreme Points in a Set of Quadratic Bivariate Polynomials, in "120 Years Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia", Proceedings, pp. 249-250, St. Kliment Ohridski University Press, Sofia, 2011.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Indefinite extreme points of the unit ball in a polynomial space, Acta Sci. Math. (Szeged), 77 (2011), 409-424.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Interlacing Properties of Certain Tchebysheff Systems, in "Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2010: In memory of Borislav Bojanov" (G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 192-200, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2012.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Markov Type Inequalities for Oscillating Exponential Polynomials, in "Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2010: In memory of Borislav Bojanov" (G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 201-212, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2012.
L. Milev, N. Naidenov, Semidefinite extreme points of the unit ball in a polynomial space, J. Math. Anal. Appl. 405 (2013), 631-641.
L. Milev, Semidefinite Extreme Points in a Polynomial Space, in: "Constructive Theory of Functions, Sozopol 2013: Dedicated to Blagovest Sendov and Vasil Popov" (K. Ivanov, G. Nikolov and R. Uluchev, Eds.), pp. 155-164, Prof. Marin Drinov Academic Publishing House, Sofia, 2014.
Л. Милев, Н. Найденов, С. Ревес, Оценки за производните на полиноми върху стандартния симплекс, в: "Юбилейна научна конференция 125 години математика и природни науки в Софийския университет "Св. Климент Охридски"", стр. 53-55, Университетско издателство "Св. Климент Охридски", София, 2014.