Научни интереси
- Изчислимост и сложност в анализа
- Математическа логика
- Обобщена теория на рекурсивните функции
- Теория на програмите и изчисленията
Списък с публикации
Scientific publications
- Върху конусите на линейност в някои нормирани линейни пространства с частично нареждане. Год. на Соф. унив., Физ.-мат. фак., 53 (1958/1959), кн. 1, 1959, 135-140.
- Върху ограничените линейни оператори в линейните пространства с частично нареждане. Год. на Соф. унив., Физ.-мат. фак., 54 (1959/1960), кн. 1, 1961, 151-166.
- О некоторых полуупорядоченных пространствах. ДАН СССР, 138, № 3, 1961, 553-555.
- Об уравнениях в словах. Zeitschr. f. math. Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik, 7, № 4, 1961, 289-297 (joint with Bl. Sendov).
- Изчислими и µ-рекурсивни оператори. Изв. на Мат. инст. на БАН, 7, 1963, 5-43.
- Rekursiv vollständige arithmetische Operationen. Доклады БАН, 16, № 5, 1963, 465-467.
- Още един пример за рекурсивно пълна аритметична операция. Год. на Соф. унив., Мат. фак., 57 (1962/1963), 1964, 1-7.
- Полуупорядоченные пространства с разделяющей системой линейных операторов. Spisy přírodovědecké fakulty University J. E. Purkyně v Brně, A 28, № 9, 1964, 489-490.
- Крайни точки и топологически неразложими елементи. Год. на Соф. унив., Мат. фак., 58 (1963/1964), 1965, 203-218.
- Върху понятието рекурсивно пълна аритметична операция. Год. на Соф. унив., Мат. фак., 59 (1964/1965), 1966, 117-136.
- Представяне на позитивни линейни функционали, дефинирани в пространството на хомогенните реални полиноми от дадена четна степен. Изв. на Мат. инст. на БАН, 9, 1966, 57-71 (joint with V. Chakalov).
- Об одном классе примитивно рекурсивных функций. Год. на Соф. унив., Мат. фак., 60 (1965/1966), 1967, 105-111.
- Върху някои алгебрични аспекти на математичната логика. Год. на Соф. унив., Мат. фак., 62 (1967/1968), 1969, 111-122.
- Линейни оператори с достатъчно много отнапред дадени собствени вектори. Изв. на Мат. инст. на БАН, 10, 1969, 239-271.
- Некоторые простые примеры универсальных функций. ДАН СССР, 190, № 1, 1970, 45-46.
English translation:
Some simple examples of universal functions. Soviet Math. Dokl., 11, № 1, 1970, 41-43. - Linear operators with sufficiently many a priori given eigen-vectors. Studia Mathematica, 38, 1970, 455-456.
- О непрерывности некоторых функционалов и замкнутости некоторых конусов. Год. на Соф. унив., Мат. фак., 64 (1969/1970), 1971, 209-212.
- О неразложимых элементах в смысле Я. Тагамлицкого. Mathematica Balkanica, 2, 1972, 212-214.
Corrigenda. On p. 212, line 10 from above, “(см. [2])” must be omitted, as well as reference 2 at the end of the paper (the corresponding publication did not appear). On p. 214, lines 8 and 6 from below, “Цитирнванная литетау рра” and “унивнрситет” must be replaced by “Цитированная литература” and “университет“, respectively.
- Некоторые примеры универсальных функций, рекурсивно определяемых при помощи небольших систем равенств. In: Исследования по теории алгорифмов и математической логике, т. I, Москва, Вычислительный центр АН СССР, 1973, 134-177.
- Рекурсивно полные операции над словами. Доклады БАН, 27, № 4, 1974, 449-452.
- Одно обобщение теории рекурсивных функций. ДАН СССР, 219, № 5, 1974, 1079-1082.
English translation:
A generalization of the theory of recursive functions. Soviet Math. Doklady, 15, № 5, 1974, 1756-1760.
Corrigenda. The fourth line from below in the bibliography to the Russian original must be replaced by "lop., v. 12, 465 (1968). 8 Доклады Болгарской АН, т. 16, 465 (1963)."; the omitted reference in the bibliography to the English translation is "8. D. Skordev, Rekursiv vollständige arithmetische Operationen, C. R. Acad. Bulgare Sci. 16 (1963), 465-467. MR 29 #4676." - О многозначных функциях нескольких переменных. Доклады БАН, 28, № 7, 1975, 885-888.
- Некоторые топологические примеры итеративных комбинаторных пространств. Доклады БАН, 28, № 12, 1975, 1575-1578.
- On Turing computable operators. Год. на Соф. унив., ФММ, 67 (1972/1973), 1976, 103-112.
- Замечание к теории интегрирования. Год. на Соф. унив., ФММ, 67 (1972/1973), 1976, 165-167.
- Некоторые модели комбинаторной логики. Математические заметки, 19, № 1, 1976, 149-154.
English translation: Some models of combinatory logic. Math. Notes, 19, № 1, 1976, 88-90. - Recursion theory on iterative combinatory spaces. Bull. Acad. Polon. Sci., Sér. Sci. Math. Astr. Phys., 24, № 1, 1976, 23-31.
- Некоторые комбинаторные пространства, связанные со сложностью переработки данных. Доклады БАН, 29, № 1, 1976, 7-10.
- О частичном упорядочении множества
в комбинаторных пространствах. Доклады БАН, 29, № 2, 1976, 151-154.
- An axiomatic treatment of recursiveness for some kinds of multi-valued functions. J. of Symb. Logic, 41, № 2, 1976, 555-556.
- Понятие поисковой вычислимости с точки зрения теории комбинаторных пространств. Сердика, 2, № 4, 1976, 343-349.
- Нормальная форма термов в итеративных комбинаторных пространствах. In: Математика и математическо образование, Докл. на Петата пролетна конференция на БМД (Габрово, 8-10.IV.1976), Sofia, 1990, 130-137.
- Simplification of some definitions in the theory of combinatory spaces. Доклады БАН , 30, № 7, 1977, 947-950.
- A normal form theorem for recursive operators in iterative combinatory spaces. Zeitschr. f. math. Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik., 24, № 2, 1978, 115-124.
- The first recursion theorem for iterative combinatory spaces. Zeitschr. f. math. Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik., 25, № 1, 1979, 69-77.
- Алгебраическое обобщение одного результата Бёма и Якопини. Доклады БАН, 32, № 2, 1979, 151-154.
- Комбинаторные структуры. Сердика, 5, № 2, 1979, 128-148 (joint with V. Petrov).
- Полукомбинаторные пространства. Доклады БАН, 33, № 6, 1980, 739-742.
- Комбинаторные пространства и рекурсивность в них. София, Изд. на БАН, 1980, 455 pp.
- Применение абстрактной теории рекурсии для исследования возможностей функциональных систем программирования. In: Математическая теория и практика систем программного обеспечения, Труды советско-болгарского совещания, Новосибирск, Вычислительный центр СО АН СССР, 1982, 7-16.
- An algebraic treatment of flow diagrams and its application to generalized recursion theory. In: Universal Algebra and Applications, Banach Center Publications, vol. 9, Warszawa, PWN, 1982, 277-287.
- Один метод вычисления значений рекурсивно определенных функций. In: Сборник доклади, Юбилейна научна сесия, посветена на 1300-годишнината на българската държава и 10-годишнината на ВПИ (Шумен, 20-22.X.1981), Физика, математика, Shumen, 1982, 176-187.
- Об одном погружении итеративных алгебр Поста в полугруппы. Алгебра и логика, 21, № 2, 1982, 228-241.
English translation:
Embedding of iterative Post algebras in semigroups. Algebra and Logic, 21, 1982, 156-167. - A reduction of polyadic recursive programs to monadic ones. In: Symposium on Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science (Diedrichshagen, 6-11.XII.1982), Seminarbericht Nr. 52, Sektion Mathematik der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Berlin, 1983, 124-132.
- Первая теорема о рекурсии для итеративных полукомбинаторных пространств. In: Математическая логика, Труды конференции по математической логике, посвященной памяти А. А. Маркова (1903-1979), (София, 22-23.IX.1980), Sofia, 1984, 89-111.
- A formal system for proving some properties of programs in iterative combinatory spaces. Ann. Soc. Math. Pol., Ser. 4, Fundamenta Informaticae, 7, № 3, 1984, 359-365.
- On a modal-type language for the predicate calculus. Polish Academy of Sciences, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Bulletin of the Section of Logic, 13, № 3, 1984, 111-119.
- On multi-valued homomorphisms. In: Computation Theory, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 208, 1985, 326-331.
- О некоторых формальных системах для теории итеративных полукомбинаторных пространств. Год. на Соф. унив., ФММ, 79 (1985), кн. 1, 1989, 323-347.
- Една възможност за съчетаване на идеи от интервалния и от конструктивния математически анализ. In: 100 години от рождението на академик Любомир Чакалов, Юбилеен сборник, Трудове на юбилейна научна сесия, организирана от Софийския областен народен съвет и Съюза на математиците в България (Самоков, 14-15.II.1986), 114-121.
- Доказване на коректността на някои програми чрез изследване на образите на множества от състояния на паметта. In: Математика и математическо образование, Докл. на Петнадесетата пролетна конференция на СМБ (Слънчев бряг, 6 - 9.IV.1986), Sofia, 1986, 449-455.
- On the analog of the partial recursive functions for the case of non-deterministic computations. In: Математика и математическо образование, Докл. на Шестнадесетата пролетна конференция на СМБ (Слънчев бряг, 6 - 10.IV.1987), Sofia, 1987, 266-272.
- An extremal problem concerning the detection of cyclic loops. Доклады БАН, 40, № 10, 1987, 5-8.
Corrigendum. On p. 8, line 1 from below, “in Press” must be replaced by “submitted”, since the corresponding abstract did not appear.
- Некоторые новые примеры итеративных полукомбинаторных пространств. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 81 (1987), 1994, 225-236.
- On the use of homomorphisms for proving the equivalence of some programs. In: Mathematical Problems in Computation Theory, Banach Center Publications, vol. 21, Warsaw, PWN, 1988, 377-384.
- On the reduction of polyadic recursive programs to monadic ones. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 82 (1988), 173-181.
- The indecomposability of a certain kind of semi-norms. In: Analysis and Related Mathematical Fields (dedicated to the memory of Y. A. Tagamlitzki), Pliska, Studia Mathematica Bulgarica, 11, 1991, 86-93.
- On the detection of periodic loops in computational processes. J. of Symb. Logic, 57, № 1, 1992, 335-336.
- On Van Gelder's loop detection algorithm.. J. of Logic Programming, 14, 1992, 181-183.
- Computability in Combinatory Spaces: An Algebraic Generalization of Abstract First Order Computability.. Dordrecht-Boston-London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1992, xiv, 320 pp.
Corrigenda (not concerning the online copy of the book). On p. xiii, line 18 from below, “three chapters” must be replaced by “three chapters and an appendix”, and “appendices” must be replaced by “appendix” on the next line. On p. xiv, line 3 from above, “The work of” must be replaced by “The work on”. On p. 4, line 9 from above, “Π” must be replaced by “Π*”. On p. 84, line 16 from below, “Bekic” must be replaced by “Bekić”. On p. 154, line 5 from below, “Γ ' ” must be replaced by “Γ '( ”. On p. 229, line 18 from above, the bar must be over “0” instead of being over “c”. All occurrences of “vii” and “viii” on pp. 315-316 must be replaced by “xi” and “xii”, respectively. The occurrences of “ix” on p. 315, line 14 from below, and p. 316, line 13 from below, must be replaced by “xii, xiii”. All other occurrences of “ix” on pp. 315-316 must be replaced by “xii”. On p. 315, line 11 from below, “103, 112” must be replaced by “8, 103, 112”. A line with “Λ 119” on it must be inserted after line 6 from below on p. 319. - On the average delay of the detection of cyclic loops. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 85 (1991), 1993, 13-34.
- On the detection of some periodic loops during the execution of Prolog programs. In: Algebraic Methods in Logic and in Computer Science, Banach Center Publications, vol. 28, Warsaw, 1993, 151-166.
Corrigenda. On p. 162, line 7 from above, and line 13 from below, "0,1,3,8,15,31,63,…" and "Two examples" must be replaced by "0,1,3,7,15,31,63,…" and "Several examples", respectively.
- An abstract approach to some loop detection problems. Fundamenta Informaticae, 31 (1997), 195-212.
- On the detection of some loops in recursive computations. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 87 (1993), 1999, 203-222.
- An algorithmic approach to some problems on the representation of natural numbers as sums without repetitions. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 89 (1995), 1998, 89-99.
- A separation theorem of Y. Tagamlitzki in its natural generality. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 91 (1997), 1999, 73-78.
- On the computer proof of a result in the abstract theory of segments. First St. Petersburg Days of Logic and Computability (May 26-29, 1999), Steklov Institute of Mathematics, St. Petersburg, Russia.
- Characterization of the computable real numbers by means of primitive recursive functions. In: J. Blanck, V. Brattka, and P. Hertling (editors), Computability and Complexity in Analysis, 4th International Workshop, CCA 2000, Swansea, UK, September 17-19, 2000, Selected Papers, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 2064, 2001, 296-309.
Preliminary version:
A characterization of the computable real numbers by means of primitive recursive functions. In: J. Blanck, V. Brattka, P. Hertling, and K. Weihrauch (editors), Computability and Complexity in Analysis, vol. 272 of Informatik Berichte, pp. 389-394. FernUniversität Hagen, September 2000. - On the duration domains for the Interval Temporal Logic. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 94 (2000), 2001, 27-33.
- Computability of real numbers by using a given class of functions in the set of the natural numbers. Math. Log. Quart., 48 (2002), Suppl. 1, 91-106.
- Maximal depths of boolean functions. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 96, 2004, 89-99.
- Some subrecursive versions of Grzegorczyk's Uniformity Theorem. Math. Log. Quart., 50 (2004), No. 4/5, 520-524.
Corrigendum. On the last line before the formulation of Theorem 2.4 in the published paper, Ψ must be replaced with Ω.
- A computability notion for locally finite lattices. In: S. B. Cooper, B. Löwe, and L. Torenvliet (editors), CIE 2005: New Computational Paradigms, Univ. of Amsterdam, ILLC Publications, Technical Notes (X) Series, X-2005-01, 2005, 198-207.
- Randomized first order computability. Abstract. In: Proceedings of the 5th Panhellenic Logic Symposium (Athens, July 25-28, 2005), Univ. of Athens, 2005, 14-15.
- A subrecursive refinement of the fundamental theorem of algebra. In: A. Beckmann, U. Berger, B. Löwe, J. V. Tucker (editors), Logical Approaches to Computational Barriers: Second Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE 2006, Swansea, UK, June 30-July 5, 2006, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 3988, 2006, 435 - 444 (joint with P. Peshev).
- E2-computability of e, π and other famous constants. Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science, 202 (2008), 37-47 (appeared also in: R. Dillhage, T. Grubba, A. Sorbi, K. Weihrauch, N. Zhong (editors), Computability and Complexity in Analysis, vol. 338-6 of Informatik Berichte, pp. 357-366. FernUniversität Hagen, May 2007).
Corrigenda concerning the publication in Informatik Berichte. In footnote 2, “sequence or” must be replaced by “sequence of”. On p. 358, line 9 from below, “a rational numbers” must be replaced by “rational numbers”.
- Един клас от базиси за двоичните функции. Научна сесия, 29 март 2008 г., секция „Математическа логика“, Софийски университет „Св. Климент Охридски“, Факултет по математика и информатика.
- On the subrecursive computability of several famous constants. Journal of Universal Computer Science, 14, 2008, 861-875.
- On a class of bases for Boolean functions. In: Vsemirnov, M. A. (editor), Studies in Constructive Mathematics and Mathematical Logic, Part XI, vol. 358, 2008, of Zapiski Nauchnyh Seminarov POMI, pp. 271-281.
Corrigenda. The last sentence in the paragraph before Remark 3 must be omitted. On p. 276, line 12 from above, “reguired” must be replaced by “required”.
- A reducibility in the theory of iterative combinatory spaces. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 98(2008), 87-99.
- M²-computable real numbers. Workshop on Computability Theory 2009 (Sofia, August 6 – August 7, 2009) (joint with A. Weiermann).
- The new national standard for the Romanization of Bulgarian. Mathematica Balkanica, 24 (2010), Fasc. 1-2, 121-130 (joint with L. Ivanov and D. Dobrev).
Corrigenda (not concerning the online copy of the paper). On p. 123, line 2 from above and line 1 from below, "(ALA-LC System" and "systems" must be replaced by "(ALA-LC System)" and "system's", respectively. On p. 126, lines 4 and 3 from below, "hence one should" must be replaced by "one should also".
Remark 1. It is written "Received 15.09.2009" on the last page of the paper. However, its full text was actually submitted near to the end of November 2009.
Remark 2. In section 3 of the online copy of the paper, one more transliteration of the letter ъ is indicated, namely its transliteration by â (this transliteration is adopted, for instance, in a spelling dictionary of Bulgarian language published in 1981). The information about the paper [21] in the references was updated after the publication of the paper. - Transliteration and longest match strategy. International Journal «Information Theories and Applications», 16 (2009), 90-99.
- On a relative computability notion for real functions. In: B. Löwe, D. Normann, I. Soskov, A. Soskova (editors), Models of Computation in Context, 7th Conference on Computability in Europe, CiE2011, Sofia, Bulgaria, June 27–July 2,2011, Proceedings, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol. 6735, 2011, 270-279 (joint with I. Georgiev).
Corrigendum. On p. 276, line 8 from above, “-computable and” must be replaced by “-computable, certain other functions which can be easily shown to be such ones too and”.
- Uniform computability of real functions. In: 120 Years Faculty of Mathematics and Informatics, St. Kliment Ohridski University of Sofia, Proceedings, St. Kliment Ohridski Press, Sofia, 2011, 179-185.
- M2-computable real numbers. Journal of Logic and Computation, 22 (2012), 899-925 (joint with A. Weiermann and I. Georgiev).
- An epsilon-delta characterization of a certain TTE computability notion. arXiv:1207.7270v3 [math.LO], 2012.
Other publications related to science and education
- Ограничени редици от функции, всяка подредица на които е разходяща почти навсякъде. Физ.-мат. списание, 3(36), № 2, 1960, 145-149.
- Алгоритмична нерешимост на проблемата за съществуване на решение за показателните диофантови уравнения. Физ.-мат. списание, 5(38), № 4, 1962, 302-304.
- Що е диференциране. София, Наука и изкуство, 1963, 189 с. (joint with N. Obrechkoff).
- Алгоритми и алгоритмична изчислимост. In: Вселена '69, София, Наука и изкуство, 1969, 9-18.
- Алгоритмична нерешимост на десетата проблема на Хилберт. Физико-математическо списание, 13(46), № 2, 1970, 155-157.
- Реални числа. София, Народна просвета, 1971, 143 pp. (joint with D. Shopova).
- Андрей Андреевич Марков - по случай 70-годишнината му. Физико-математическо списание, 16(49), № 4, 1973, 312-315 (joint with P. Petkov).
- Някои методи за изграждане на теорията на рекурсивните функции. In: Математика и математическо образование, Докл. на Третата пролетна конференция на БМД (Бургас, 2-4.IV.1974), Sofia, 1976, 41-53.
- Професор Ярослав Тагамлицки (по случай 60 години от рождението му). Обучението по математика, 2(20), № 4, 1977, 35-39 (joint with I. Prodanov).
- Някои бележки върху изучаването на понятията рационален израз и алгоритъм в VII клас. Обучението по математика, 5(23), № 5, 1980, 35-38.
- Алгоритми и алгоритмична изчислимост. София, Народна просвета, 1981, 144 pp.
- Един подход към въпросите за дължина на окръжност и лице на кръг. Обучението по математика, 7(25), № 3, 1982, 29-36.
- Още веднъж за понятието тъждествено равни рационални изрази. Обучението по математика, 8(26), № 6, 1983, 13-14.
- Някои критични бележки относно новия учебник по алгебра за 10. клас и съответната книга за учителя. Обучението по математика, 9(27), № 1, 1984, 25-32.
- Надгробно слово за проф. Ярослав Тагамлицки. Обучението по математика, 9(27), № 1, 1984, 38-39.
- Проф. Ярослав Тагамлицки - учен, педагог, човек. Обучението по математика, 9(27), № 1, 1984, 39-41 (joint with T. Genchev, A. Obretenov, I. Prodanov, V. Chakalov).
- Проф. Ярослав Тагамлицки 1917-1983. Mатематика, 23, № 1, 1984, 2-6 (joint with T. Genchev, A. Obretenov, I. Prodanov, V. Chakalov).
- Чл.-кор. Ярослав А. Тагамлицки (1917-1983). Физ.-мат. списание, 26(59), № 2, 1984, 214-222 (joint with V. Chakalov).
- Моите най-ранни и най-последни спомени за Я. Тагамлицки. In: Ярослав Тагамлицки - учен и учител, София, Наука и изкуство, 1986, 77-82.
- Научното и педагогическото дело на Я. Тагамлицки. In: Ярослав Тагамлицки - учен и учител, София, Наука и изкуство, 1986, 89-102 (joint with V. Chakalov).
- За връзката между теоремата за конусите и теоремата на Крейн-Милман. In: Ярослав Тагамлицки - учен и учител, София, Наука и изкуство, 1986, 153-154.
- Кратки биографични сведения за Ярослав Тагамлицки. In: Ярослав Тагамлицки - учен и учител, София, Наука и изкуство, 1986, 258-261.
- Кратки сведения за някои научни материали в архива на професор Ярослав Тагамлицки. In: Ярослав Тагамлицки - учен и учител, София, Наука и изкуство, 1986, 262-266.
- Ярослав Тагамлицки. In: Български математици, София, Народна просвета, 1987, 231-246.
Corrigenda. On page 234, line 9 from below, “мажоранти” must be replaced by “миноранти”; on page 238, line 3 from below, “Хомбургер” must be replaced by “Хамбургер”.
- Иван Проданов. In: Български математици, София, Народна просвета, 1987, 287-294.
- За една стереометрична задача с противоречиво условие. Обучението по математика, 12(30), № 5, 1987, 9-11.
- Съществува ли Канторовият рай и наистина ли е рай? In: Сказки по логика, София, Университетско издателство "Климент Охридски", 1990, 179-192 (стр. 186-200 в дигиталното издание, направено от В. Горанко и Н. Нинова през 2011 г.).
- Y. A. Tagamlitzki (A short biographical note). (With a bibliography of Y. Tagamlitzki compiled by V. Chakalov and D. Skordev.) In: Analysis and Related Mathematical Fields (dedicated to the memory of Y. A. Tagamlitzki), Pliska, Studia Mathematica Bulgarica, 11, 1991, 3-6 (joint with D. Doitchinov, T. Genchev, B. Penkov).
Corrigenda. On page 3, line 3 from above, “Sept. 17” must be replaced by “Sept. 11”; on line 17 from below of the same page, “series 21” must be replaced by “series [21]”; on page 4, line 27 from above, “173—189” must be replaced by “173—175”; on page 5, line 31 from above, “1963” must be replaced by “1953”; on page 6, line 4 from below, “Fac. Math.-Mec., 80 (1991), 49—53” must be replaced by “Fac. Math. Méc., 80, 1986, livre 1, 1991, 53—58”; on line 2 from below of the same page, “1990” must be replaced by “1990, 201—209”.
Remark 1. The information in the sentence beginning on page 3, line 18 from above, is not precise. Tagamlitzki became the head of the Functional Analysis Section in 1961, whereas the Institute of Mathematics at the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences has been founded already in 1947.
Remark 2. The bibliographic data given in reference 5 of the bibliography are taken from some proof sheets found in Tagamlitzki's archives. Possibly the paper has not been actually printed due to the war-time situation in 1943–1944.
- Животът и делото на Ярослав Тагамлицки. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 91 (1997), 1999, 13-19 (joint with V. Chakalov).Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 96, 2004, 11-21. Addendum: Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 97, 2005, 205.
Corrigendum. On p.19, lines 3-4 from above, "a Section of Mathematical Logic" must be replaced by "a Section of Logic". - Some short historical notes on development of mathematical logic in Sofia. Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 96, 2004, 11-21. Addendum: Год. на Соф. унив., ФМИ, 97, 2005, 205.
Corrigendum (not concerning the online version of the paper). On p. 19, lines 3-4 from above, “a Section of Mathematical Logic” must be replaced by “a Section of Logic”.
Remark. A correction is made in the online version to the information concerning the first lecture course in mathematical logic given in Sofia University. A corresponding change is made in the acknowledgments section.
- Озадачаващ пропуск. Математически форум, 7, № 3, 2005, 96.
- Ярослав Тагамлицки – живот и дело. In: Математика и математическо образование, Докл. на Тридесет и шестата пролетна конф. на СМБ (Варна, 2–6 април 2007), 61-64 (joint with V. Chakalov).
Corrigendum On p. 62, line 16 from above, “1948” must be replaced by “1958”.
- Нужно ли е да стандартизираме клавиатурните подредби. В. „Култура“, бр. 23 (2462), 15 юни 2007 (joint with L. Ivanov and D. Dobrev).
- 90 години от рождението на Ярослав Тагамлицки. Математика и информатика, 32 (50), № 4, 2007, 30-34.
- Letter to the Editor. Journal of Computer-Generated Euclidean Geometry, 3 (2008).
- Странно предизвикателство. Математически форум, 10, № 4, 2008, 122-123.
- По повод на статията „Върху едно симетрично равенство-неравенство“. Математически форум, 11, № 6, 2009, 189.